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Miguel opened the outer door and two Melorian guards entered leading a line of eight very strange looking people. Male and female – they were black clad and their faces, though quite ordinary in design, were definitely not human. They were the Baccaran. They were tall, impressive beings with muscular forms and tasteful, immaculate attire. Their facial features were fine and could even be considered attractive if it were not for the obvious marks of malice, greed, arrogance and disdain that permeated them.

One of the Baccaran looked over at where the young people were standing and Orion felt his heart jump to his throat. The eyes! His dream of the thing flashed in his mind – the monster that lunged at him when he lifted the sphere from the ground. He experienced a sudden urge to bolt from the studio, yet, he held his place breathing unevenly.

At that moment he felt a strong grip on his shoulder. It was Kylor. Orion glanced up at him and saw the confidence in his eyes. Safety. Whatever that thing was, it couldn't hurt him here; not with the Antarion nearby. This was a safe haven even so near a monster with intent to destroy them all in the worst way.

Next, the ruler's scientists were brought in. A more confused and timid group no one could remember seeing. They stood in a huddle, as far away from the Baccaran as possible, nervously eyeing all of the strange people in the studio. The only people they knew were the rulers, but they had never seen them in a position of weakness, as they were at that moment. Of anyone, the new science chiefs had the least idea of what was taking place.

Chi walked to the front of the studio and prepared to make an announcement. It wasn't difficult to get everyone's attention. She told them the order in which they were to speak and let them know that failure to comply would cost them more than they were willing to pay. She repeated the promise of release if they were cooperative. Chi looked to the operator sitting behind a control panel. He nodded and Chi turned her gaze back to the small but very diverse crowd in front of her. "It is time," she said.

Greshon had no choice but to comply; he had seen what these creatures could do and he wanted to come out of this alive. He had also noticed something else about them: these Merenthaal somehow awoke long forgotten feelings of empathy and search for the truth; of kindness and brotherhood.

These things had been so long buried they were like a foreign language now; and yet, he felt he could trust these beings. Yes, they would release them, he was sure of it. He had the first word on the broadcast, and he would attempt to please his captors.


Belarin was at home watching the official updates when the screen unexpectedly went blank. She furrowed her brow. Problems like this were practically non-existent in 8456-G; at least since the new breed of intelligent wall screens had been introduced one hundred years earlier. She couldn't imagine what the problem could be. The number 30 appeared on the screen, then after ten seconds the number 20, then a digital countdown to zero.

The picture came to life. She cocked her head at the peculiar scene. The entire ruling counsel of her com-zone – all twenty of them – were sitting on the floor with less than commanding expressions on their faces. What is this? She thought. The picture gave her a peculiar sensation: like being in a very vivid, very lucid dream.

The prime ruler, whom she recognized as Greshon Orenor, looked sharply to his right, then quickly back at the camera. With some trepidation he cleared his throat and began to speak. "People of Kypro... and... of all the com-zones of Ophilion, I am Greshon Orenor, chief ruler in Kypro. I, and the ruling council..." he hesitated and looked again to the right before continuing, "we... have a confession to make." Pronouncing these words – saying them out loud to the population of the planet was one of the most difficult things he had ever done. "We have been involved in a weapons program that will have dire consequences for all residents of the com-zones and surrounding farm zones."

Meltdown Ophilion  - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now