2. the smell of your perfume (written april 18)

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• this one's about a dream i had where i smelled this super specific scent that was oddly comforting
this one's also one of my favss

a dream of myself laying in bed,
a comforting shadow with a smell as comforting as their presence with gave me a hug
ive never been the same since then,
it was two weeks since i had last seen you
you had helped me during a painful moment,
i was finally going to see you
i didn't really recognize this smell or who it was from when i first smelled it in my dream
so i assumed it was a sweet dream
i saw you again in the morning
we walked together to our class and it hit me
i told you,
"your perfume smells like the one in my dream"
you laughed
the shadow was you,
turns i was missing my best friend

late night notes by a teenage girlWhere stories live. Discover now