Chapter 3: In the unknow

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I woke up in the carved dirt, I opened my eyes, I felt that everything was shaking, I was all wet, the ground too, I think it was raining, there was wind, it was dark. at that moment I remembered what happened, I looked at the wreck which was about 96 meters away from me, then my thinking functions returned, I felt huge pain everywhere, especially on my right hand.

I looked at my hand, it was all cut up, something had cut my arm and stomach, there was also blood coming from my head, I don't know why, but I didn't feel any pain in my head, I was covered in blood, my whole head was covered with blood and all my limbs, I sat down and felt the pain go through my body.  It turned out that I was lying in my own blood. I raised my left hand and wiped it on a leaf, immediately the blood flowed out onto my hand, covering it all, I tried to get up but immediately tears flowed from the pain.

I tried to stand up again, leaned on a tree and stood up, when I took a step I almost fell down and immediately grabbed my knee, the pain was the worst under the knee. I limped to the wreck, when I got close I saw that half the plane was missing, I got into the airplane but I had to overcome a difficult path to the cockpit, there were cables hanging everywhere, but then I remembered the lesson about wires. I looked at the cables for a long time, none of them sparked, so the fire burned everything and the fire was extinguished by the rain water, I walked towards the cockpit.

When I was walking, I checked if there was anything worth taking, but there was nothing. Finally I reached the cockpit, or rather what was left of it, the side of the cockpit was lying on the ground and was in a terrible condition, it was probably the cockpit that hit the ground but the rest was somehow still standing. When I was looking around I saw a first aid kit, I smiled because that was the first good news, I made a makeshift bandage and took a piece of metal and used the bandage to stiffen my leg. when I came back, I wanted to take Erica's backpack because there were definitely useful things there, but it wasn't there, I prayed in my heart that Erica had it and that use it to saved her life.

I missed Erica terribly, I was afraid if she was okay, but I knew that if I wanted to see her again, I had to do something. I wiped the blood off my watch and it was 21:42. I lay there unconscious for about an hour. I knew I had to sleep somewhere for the night but I went behind the trees and saw the sea, I had two thoughts 1; Where am I? 2: If someone fell out of a plane, float into the sea and survive?

I entered the wreck, hoping that others had survived the crash, sat down in a chair that wasn't broken, and fell asleep.


I woke up with a big headache, I opened my eyes and my whole face was covered in blood, the bandage came off, I wiped my face with my sleeve and when I looked at my clothes, the blue T-shirt turned into a blackish red.

I looked at my watch, of course I had to wipe the blood off it first, it was 4:18 in the morning. I didn't know why I woke up so early. I felt that something was wrong, I mean it had been wrong before, but now I felt that I had forgotten something, something important. I got scared because I realized that it was probably a spider that sent the missile, so it probably sent people to search the wreckage.

But the problem was that I was still on the plane! Spider's people could have come at any time, or they were the ones who woke me up. I grabbed my first aid kit and stood up immediately, and at that moment the pain hit me so hard that I fell down and started crying. Now that I was asleep and the adrenaline had left my body, the pain I felt was 4 times stronger.

I lay there gathering my strength until I finally got up to go. I left the wreck and went into the forest, it was humid and warm, just like in Mexico. I thought, "Could it be that I'm here again?"

I walked with difficulty for maybe 124.62 meters and then I stopped because I realized that I was injured and that I didn't know where I was going was probably the stupidest thing I could do. I thought about what my goal is, okay: 1- I want to escape from the spider 2- I want to find Erica and the other's.

I did one thing that came to my mind: I thought about what Erica Hale would do. Considering the circumstances, she had to sleep through the night, then she probably went looking for the rest, I had to look for a good hiding place where she could sleep or a high point.

Then I remembered that I saw a hill, I turned to the right and saw a small mountain, I decided to climb it.

When I was walking, I almost sprained my ankle and tripped, almost fell into the swamp, and the bandage on my head came loose again. Of course, the blood melted all over my face again and various insects flew in. When I was finally almost to the top, I heard a crack behind me as if something had run by, and I stood frozen

I turned around and saw... a toad, a big toad. I calmed down but I winced and grabbed my stomach because when I tensed my stomach wound moved and started leaking. Before I took a few steps I heard "Stop where you are" someone said in a threatening voice. I stopped dead in my tracks, I was very dizzy and felt sleepy and without strength, I fell to my knees, I was fed up, I raised my hand and slowly turned around and then I heard, "Ben?" I looked up and saw Erica running out of the bushes. Erica came up to me and I saw fear in her eyes "God!! what happened to you, it was all because of a disaster" she knelt down and wiped my face with her sleeve

"Erica" ​​she looked at me "I missed you so much and I'm sorry" I saw her eyes flooded with tears " I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me, "I... I sho..should have re..repllied rest because it's a bit... not
Good with.. Meee ..." I felt dizzy, I thought I was dreaming, I closed my eyes, when I saw darkness I heard a distant voice "BEN!!

hello, I know you love me, so you'll read this chapter as soon as I publish it😅. Please tell me if I should write in POVs other than just Ben. If you want your idea to appear in the book, write in the comments what I should do.  Anyway, have a nice daaay😊

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