Chapter 2: life like dream

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I'm sorry that I haven't written for so long, but I'm on the May weekend and I simply don't have time, and if I do, I use it to rest. But please take advantage of my time, which I should spend resting, okay, just kidding, enjoy reading ;)


Spy academy

I looked at my watch, it was half past 4 p.m., I checked again if I had everything for the mission. The luggage looked asymmetrical, on one side it was stuffed with long pants and jackets, and on the other side there were shorts and t-shirts. This was because Catherine said it was possible the weather would be different

As I was going through everything, Mike knocked on the door. "Hi, are you ready?" He asked. He and Zoe were going too. Catherine briefed them shortly after ours

"I guess so, although I have no idea what I should be ready for" he looked into my eyes and said, "I don't think there's anything that can stop you". I wish I believed in myself as much as he believed in me. A moment later, Catherine called Mike and Mike left, after he left, my phone buzzed.

I saw that it was a message from Erika
«Come to my room» when I saw the message, I immediately went to Erika, I wasn't sure what it could be about

when I got to her door I knocked and Erica immediately opened it I was surprised when I saw that Erika was wearing something that looked like shorts but had various special pockets, they reminded her very much of her standard black outfit

she was also wearing a see-through top, no, wait, it's just my imagination, she was
wearing a regular top (what a shame) damn why do you think about such things.

Erika looked at me, narrowed her eyes slightly and smiled, and said, "I knew you'd like it," and then added, "But don't you think it's a little tight at the bottom?" I looked at her "bottom" and noticed that the shorts showed her body perfectly, immediately the weird thoughts came back and I blushed. I didn't even notice how big "my sword has become" unfortunately Erica noticed it first, her eyebrows jumped with excitement "Wow.... I think you really like it" then she grabbed my arms and pulled me to the wall, then she clung to me like this that there was no space between us. I also felt her knee rubbing my crotch.

There was too much going on in my head, I felt like this was the moment I had dreamed about, but it all happened too fast. Before I said anything, she looked me in the eyes and said, "I've wanted to do this for a loong time" and she started kissing me passionately. As soon as she did this, I grabbed her thighs and lifted her up

Then someone called Erica's phone, she looked a bit irritated but she answered "Yes mom?" "honey it's 16 :00 where are you and Ben?" Catherine replied, Erica looked at the clock "yes sorry, we're leaving now" and she hung up . "Quickly grab your things and run to the car" she said to me "sure" I only replied to her.

Then I ran out, only after a while I realized what actually happened, how to describe it "it was... it was amazing" I muttered, I ran to my room and took everything after a short thought about what happened today, I preferred to be prepared for all circumstances, so I put a pack of condoms in my backpack (wait, they are too small for such things, buuut are you sure??) When I took everything, I went to the car, everyone was waiting inside, I put my luggage in the trunk and we went to the airport.

after arriving at the airport, we boarded the plane, it was quite nice. Mike was the most surprised, "Wow, the CIA must have used all the money for such a plane." "Actually, it wasn't the CIA that financed the plane, but our rich friends," replied Catherine. The plane had 2 engines and looked like a private plane. When we entered we were shocked, the seats were made of leather, there were TV screens, minibars and you could also slide the door shut to have a cabin and some privacy. The seats resembled sofas and were placed opposite each other so that when you closed the door, there were 4 seats in the cabin.

Spy school: Guilty or not?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz