Chapter 4:Togehter again

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Hello everyone I want to say that in next week I have 4 test soooo I guess I won't be able to update anything. Sorry



All I hear is the repeated "Ben...Ben...Ben...Ben...Ben." I don't feel anything different, I don't hear anything different and suddenly I see Erica leaning over me with tears in her eyes and screaming "BEN!!" I woke up with a shock. I looked around, I was on the grass, a little furhter I  saw used bandages, I was wearing a new T-shirt.
I saw Erica's backpack lying next to me and a tiny fire next to it. My wounds hurt less, I looked at them, they were healing. The bandages were well applied, not makeshift but professional.

I stood up, my leg hurt, but it was slightly stiff. Then Erica came and said, "Oh, you're up." I wanted to answer, but Erica put her finger on her lips and came centimeters away from me and whispered, "I missed your voice" I looked at her surprised

"If so, why don't you let me tell you something?" I asked, curious about what awaits me this time. She wrapped her arms around my neck, looked into my eyes, narrowed her eyes and whispered, "Because there is something I have missed much more."

Then she lightly cut my healthy leg and fell perfectly on the ground with me, when I was lying she crawled on top of me and entangled her legs with mine and started kissing me with her tongue. I grabbed her by the waist and we kissed for 3 minutes and 16 seconds, then she stopped kissing me and started crying, she hugged me very tightly, she buried her face in my shirt and said "I... I was afraid you were dead" she said.

Hi as I already said, I won't have time to write chapters because I have a lot of tests and I'm sorry for such a short chapter. Look out for new chapters and see you soon.

Spy school: Guilty or not?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz