She's at home

40 2 6

YEAR  2002

I sigh, plopping on the couch. I just came downstairs after decorating [Y/N]'s room. It was quite a handful task for me to stick all those pink decor all by myself. I wonder why it is just pink decor for girls. I'll ask her what is her favourite colour when she'll come. Wait.... she's just a baby. Damn I'm so dumb for even thinking to ask a newborn questions.

Mom and dad will be back anytime from the hospital. Dad did asked me if i wanted to come to hospital since , mom and [Y/N] are discharged today, but I refused. I prefer to decorate her room. Unfortunately she's too young to even appreciate my efforts. But that doesn't matter, I'm just happy that now I have a younger sister. 

I can't help but wonder if she'll get along with me when she grows up. She just came and I'm already so excited about it. I'm not very sure how to describe this feeling but it can be anything than disappointment. I'm glad she is a girl. Boys are too much of trouble to deal with, except me ofcourse. That's what mom says. 

I got up, stretching. I'll just go outside till they arrive. I walk around our neighborhood, getting impatient about when they'll come. I spot one of the old ladies around our house. I guess her time with her son is over. She's back to the neighborhood after spending some time at her son's place. I went over to her and smile "Good afternoon". She smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "How are you dear? And your mother too? Have your younger sibling came yet?" She inquired. "Oka-san is coming back home with my baby sister today. She'll be here soon" I replied. She smiled at me "I'll make sure to pay a visit later". With that, she left. I waved at her. 

Our car pulled up infront of our house. I rushed to help out my parents . Finally [Y/N] is here. I took the baby bag from mom's hand. Dad went further and opened the door for mom to get inside the house. They both went over to the couch in the living room and settled down . I went upstairs, to my younger sister's room and kept the bag in her decorated room. Though I saw something terrible when I turned away from mom and sis. Might be because I turned my head too fast and things must've looked like a monster. 


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I slowly peaked into the room from the doorway. Noticing mom and dad with a man, while [Y/N] cried continuously. As my gaze went over to my younger sister, my breath got caught into my throat, a shiver running down at what I saw. What is that monstrous creature lurking around her? It's glowing eyes staring into my soul. My teeth chartered. 

What is going on here? Have I gone mad for seeing things like that? 

I felt my stomach churn, the presence of the creature terrorise my whole being. Standing on my one foot led me to almost losing my balance. I let out a gasp as I was fully in the doorframe. Mom and dad turned their attention to me. "Suguru... it's 3AM you can go back to sleep. " Mom said trying to seem normal but I can notice from how her gaze is wavering. Something is really wrong.

"This place, it's not safe to live, any longer you'll stay. The more life threatening it would be, especially for the baby" the strange man spoke. this man works regarding haunted things blah blah..what do we call them? No I don't wanna think about it. Because the statement he made is false. If something was wrong with the house, these things would've happened earlier. I'm sure of it , it's because of that creature. The scratches on [Y/N] , the lights flickering and the omnious energy in the house is caused by that creature straight out of horror movies. 

And if I'm gonna be wrong, my trip to a psychiatrist is planned.

"Threatening, if we stay longer? Oh please we're here from atleast a decade" I scoffed looking into his direction, while dad glared at me through corner of his eye. I give a glance to [Y/N] , noticing she's still crying. The creature scratching her. My jaw clenched. Am I the only one who can see it? 

I observed the man, he had a split second reaction . He seemed as if a lie was discovered. But then again he went back to his calm composure. I narrowed my eyes at him. "If this house was alright from past decade. And this began now.." He said referring to what's happening with [Y/N] and continued "then the one at fault is that kid. She's misfortune" 

Mom tried to hold back her tears, while dad was torn between grieving or snapping. Meanwhile I'm sure what I'm supposed to do . 

"And what if you're wrong? what if she's not a misfortune?" 


Since this man began playing dumb , I once again repeated myself. 

"And what if you're wrong? What if my baby sister is not a misfortune and something else is cause of this?"

"How you can be so sure of it?" 

"I'd ask you the same. How you can be so sure that a kid is cause of it all?" 

Damn.. he's a hypocrite as I've guessed. Dad's gaze was still stern but he wasn't glaring at me though, it was actually directed to the man. Perhaps dad is also picking up on the fact that this got nothing to do with [Y/N]. 

I took a deep breath , walking over to the couch where my baseball bat is. I picked it up, tightening my hold on it as I went over to my sister. I was actually wondering if I'd be able to land a hit on the creature or not. Did things pass through it similar to ghosts..or most importantly can someone who's feeling very pissed off, confused and scared land a good hit? 

I swung the baseball bat at the creature, my eyes tightly shut. I heard the gasps from my parents. I opened my eyes slowly, the creature was motionless on the other side of the room. The bat was stained with it's blood. 

"This boy has gone crazy... he's hitting the air" I gritted my teeth at man's words. I guess he's just being reasonable but the disdain in his tone shows how much I've pissed him off. Nothing new I always do that, pissing off people intentionally or unintentionally. 

The sound of the doorbell broke the tense atmosphere. Who would come at 3AM? Dad reluctantly walked outside of the room and opened the door grumbling. I followed behind with Mom. 

As the door opened, I saw two guys in their teens dressed up in black attire. "We're here from jujutsu tech" one of them spoke boringly while other nudged him. "We've been reported of the paranormal activities happening here. We'd like to investigate" the other one completed the introduction. 

Dad moved a side, letting them inside. My both parents led them to where [Y/N] is. I swear these two shouldn't be saying shit like that man. I caught up to everyone in the hallway.

The two teenagers seemed to be staring intently at the corpse of the creature. They can see it too? . They looked around here and there before their gaze landed on the blood staining on my baseball bat which I was still holding. Their gaze locked on me as one of them said thoughtfully "So you can see curses too..and moreover posses the curse energy to end them"

and moreover posses the curse energy to end them"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14 ⏰

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