Chapter 10

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*3rd POV*

That night a group of Na'vi warriors took to the previous home of The Tree of Voices. Killing the soldiers that stood in their way, and destroyed the bulldozer. Burning it down to a crisp. The drums of war had officially been played.

Quaritch, Selfridge and other members of the main desk, control room watched on to the live feed on their screens. Lyle walked around with a crew seeing and reporting all the damage that occurred.

"I'll do it with minimal casualties to the indigenous." Quaritch explained gently to Parker as they sat in his office after that meeting.

"I'll drive them out with gas first. Then we can just scoop up the Princess, using her as a bargaining chip to keep them out and away from wherever we need to be. It'll be humane. More or less." He explained as Selfridge sighed.

"All right, let's pull the trigger." He agreed.

Trudy ran through the halls trying to find Jake and Grace. They were sitting in the science lab, Grace was drinking and Jake was sulking.

"They're gonna hate me." Jake sighed looking over Grace's book. 

"This was stupid. I was stupid! This is really how it's done. When people are sitting on shit that they want, you make them you're enemy. Then you're justified in taking it." He threw Grace's book to the ground.

"Quaritch is rolling the gunships." Trudy huffed as she came into the room. "He's gonna hit Home Tree."

"Oh my god." Grace gasped.

Parker watched out the bay window at all the helicopters that were awaiting the flight plan. He seemed nervous, almost regretful about the choice he had made. One of the security guards began shouting as Grace barged her way back in.

"Dr. Augustine! You cannot be up here!" They yelled.

"Back off." She shoved him away and approached Parker. "Parker, wait. Stop. These are people you're about to...I said back off!" She demanded as the security officer tried to grab her once more.

"No, no, no, no." Selfridge shook his head. "They're fly bitten savages that live in a tree! All right? Look around! I don't now about you, but I see a lot of trees! They can move!"

He yelled angrily as Jake approached in his wheelchair. "Can you guys just, please." He pointed to the security teams and then Grace and Jake. 

"There are families in there. There are children. Babies. Are you gonna kill children?" Grace asked him in disbelief.

"You don't want that kind of blood on your hands. Believe me." Jake assured him. "J-Just let me try to talk them out. They trust me." Jake begged.

"Calibrate fast!" Grace yelled after getting the okay from Selfridge. They walked through the link room. "We're going in, right now!"

"Calibrating three and four!" A link tech called out as the pod opened up.

"Run sequence."

"Initiating. Thirty seconds." Max told Grace.

"Listen to me." Parker hovered over Jake's body in the pod.

"You've got one hour. Unless you want your girlfriends and boyfriend in there when the axe comes down, you get them to evacuate. One hour." He demanded harshly. Jake's pod closed and his eyes shut. 

*My POV*

It had been hours without Jake and Neytiri was worried about him. Tsu'tey, Neytiri and I, with the help of some stronger men, lifted Jake and Grace's bodies up Home Tree and towards the bed areas to keep them safe. We didn't leave their sides, waiting for them to wake up.

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