Chapter 12

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*My POV*

Jake brought back Grace's human body, while we prepared Grace's Avatar. When they returned all the Omatikaya people sat on the sacred grounds below the Tree of Souls, attaching their Queues to the ground. Everything around us lit up as my mother's presence was shown and we all began chanting.

I looked at Tsu'tey and Neytiri and we nodded. I attacked myself to the vines of Mother's Tree and closed my eyes, hoping to help guide Grace.

"Look, where we are Grace." Jake told her softly. Her eyes opened, as she looked up, surprised and at peace.

"I need to take some samples." Grace breathed. Jake chuckled at her softly.

Jake came and stood next to Neytiri as we looked down at both Grace's bodies. The ground's glowed around her body and little strings like queues formed all over her, making her one with the earth.

"The Great Mother may choose to save all that she is in this body." Mo'at explained to Jake, pointing from Grace's human form to her Avatar.

"Is that possible?" Jake asked.

We stared at him. "Um, Jake." I said. 

Jake facepalmed at his question.

"Anyways, yes, but she must pass through the eye of Eywa and return. I will try and guide her, Jake." I told him quietly and squeezed his hand.

"But, Jakesully, she is very weak." Mo'at warned.

"Hang on, Grace. They're gonna fix you up." Jake bent down to her.

"Hear us please, All Mother." Mo'at chanted.

"Eywa, help her." The Omatikaya chanted back.

"Take this spirit into you."

"Eywa, help her."

"And breathe her back to us."

"Eywa, help her."

"Mother, I call out to you. Find Grace's soul, and let her walk among us. Please, give my second mother a chance." I chanted and begged.

"Eywa, help her." The people chanted. 

"As one of the people." Mo'at, Neytiri and I asked together.

"Eywa guide her."

I closed my eyes and felt my mother all around me. It was like walking through a bright white light to get to the other side. Her hand laced with mine and we searched for Grace. I felt the pull of her presence and let it guide me to her. Tendrils from the ground raised and attached to Grace's neck, allowing the connection to be made from her human consciousness to her Avatar one.

I grabbed Grace's hand and pulled to allow her to touch my mother's hand. My mother released me back and I opened my eyes, hoping that Grace made it through her.

I released my queue from the Tree and bent down beside Mo'at.

"Wait!" Mo'at commanded the people and they stopped chanting.

Grace's head turned and she looked up at the sky, like her eyes were seeing two things at once.

"Jake, Izzy." She said weakly.

"Grace." We held her hand tightly.

"I'm with her Jake, Izzy. She's real." Grace breathed out and she began to fade.

"Grace?" I called out seeing her eyes closing. "Grace, please. Grace!" I called out. 

"What's happening? Grace?" Jake asked.

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