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Florence had barely slept following John's death, she couldn't quite remove the image of his lifeless body from her brain in the same way she could in any other situation. Perhaps it was because he meant something to her, because despite his faults he didn't deserve to die.

She could sense that Elijah wasn't entirely happy with the arrangement, but she needed him to understand that neither of them had a choice. She also feared for Tommy, she feared what might happen to him at the hands of the mafia, she also wondered whether her presence might appease her father who she had yet to meet.

With the return to Small Heath came the return to Florence's childhood home. It was dull and bleak without Imelda's presence, but it was home, and the children just thought it was one big adventure. Elijah and Florence had slept in her old room, the children slept in Imelda's room and Vinnie slept downstairs on the sofa.

Florence had been the first to wake up that day before the sun had risen. She had quietly got herself up and dressed in her all black ensemble, aware that it was the day the family would be saying goodbye to John.

She only had about an hour of peace before the children woke up. Florence busied herself getting them fed before finding her old toys and occupying them on the carpet in front of the fireplace. A knock at the back door interrupted her conversation with Vinnie as the pair stood in the kitchen, while Elijah was upstairs getting ready for the funeral.

"I'll get it," Florence sighed, making her way to the door and opening it to see Tommy standing on her doorstep.

"Morning," Tommy nodded awkwardly.

"You better come in," Florence sighed, stepping aside and letting him into the house, looking up at Vinnie with a tentative smile, "You've met Vinnie."

"Hello," Tommy muttered before returning his attention to Florence, "Everyone's gathered next door for a family meeting, will you join us?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Florence answered honestly, "I don't think Polly wants to see me after what happened at the hospital."

"She's just scared for Michael, you belong there with us." Tommy assured her.

"I can watch Daisy and Ollie," Vinnie spoke before Florence could conjure up another excuse.

"See, the kids are taken care of, what's stopping you?" Tommy smirked, knowing that there had always been a place for Florence at the Shelby table.

"Fine," Florence sighed in defeat, looking at Vinnie, "I won't be too long."

"Take as long as you need," Vinnie assured her as she and Tommy slipped out of the door.

"I think we should tell them," Florence told Tommy as the pair made their way along the back alleyway.

"Tell them what?" Tommy asked.

"About you and Daisy," Florence replied, stopping Tommy in his tracks, "All I could think about last night was that the mafia might use her to reel you in, and I need your men to protect her like she's their own."

"Okay," Tommy nodded in agreement.

"But Daisy can't know," Florence told him, "She's already asking questions about why we're here, I can't complicate her life more than I already have."

"It's alright," Tommy assured her, "We'll handle this together."

"It'll be a breeze, just like the old days," Florence sighed as they made their way up to the back door of the Shelbys' house.

"You've not met Arthur's wife," Tommy smirked, knowing just how much Florence would aggravate Linda with her confident disposition, "Don't hold your breath."

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