I completely forgot, but we fought Nora again, but she poses no threat.
As we make our our way to the end of the Holon Region, Aurous goes down to a damage roll.
Now we have 10 eggs from all over the Holon region to hatch, so here we go.
Our first egg hatches into a Togepi, which means we can flinch things down again.
From the second egg, we get another Doduo.
From our third egg, we get a Smeargle, which may be useful.
From our fourth egg, we get another Electrike.
Our fifth egg gives us another Delta Purrlion.
From our sixth egg, we hatch a Chatot.
From egg seven, we get a Delta Aron again, which is good, I feel it went down too early.
From egg eight, we hatch a Blitzle, which could be useful.
From our ninth egg, we get a Delta Scyther, which will be very useful.
And from our final egg, we hatch a Shellos.
Losing Aurorus wasn't good, but we got back some Pokemon we had lost, a harsh price, but one I'm willing to play.