Chapter 3

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The silence of the corridors was abruptly interrupted by the high pitched, pulsating hum of the monitoring charm Severus had placed on his quarters. It was a tell-tale sign of intrusion, something he'd never imagined would go off. Pausing for a moment, a feeling of dread washed over him. His eyes narrowed with apprehension and disbelief as the name appeared in his mind. Potter.

A deep sigh escaped him as he thought of the irony. His rooms, the one place in the castle that had been Potter-free, invaded. Yet, he had no time to dally on the thought. His seventh year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were due to arrive any moment for their potions class.

Quickly, he scribbled a note and pinned it onto the classroom door, instructing them to use the period for independent study. He knew they would grumble about it, but their complaints were the least of his worries at the moment.

Steeling himself, he swept through the castle, his mind full of questions. What could possibly have led Potter to his private quarters? The journey was brief, but every step felt heavy with the weight of the unknown.

The door to his quarters swung open at his command, revealing a scene he was not prepared for. Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, sat awkwardly in his personal space, his face ashen and his green eyes wide with a mix of fear and defiance. His mouth opened as if to speak, then closed again, clearly unsure of how to proceed.

Severus swept into the room, his robes billowing around him as he shut the door behind him. His quarters, normally a sanctuary of solitude, felt invaded with the presence of the Gryffindor boy. His gaze narrowed as he took in the scene; Harry sitting uncomfortably on the edge of his sofa, the blanket he had draped over him earlier haphazardly thrown aside.

"Potter," he began, his voice as icy as his gaze, "I didn't expect to see you awake so soon."

He watched as Harry shifted, glancing away before looking back at him, defiance glinting in his eyes. "I didn't plan to wake up in your quarters, Professor," he retorted, his voice a shade quieter than his usual brash tone.

Severus merely raised an eyebrow at the response, crossing his arms over his chest. He was used to their banter, their exchanges that more often than not led to pointed jabs and reprimands. But today, the gravity of the situation overshadowed their usual antagonism.

"Believe me, Potter, this was not my first choice either," Severus replied, the irritation in his tone only slightly feigned. "But under the circumstances, it was necessary."

He watched as Harry seemed to swallow, his eyes flickering down to his bandaged hand before returning to Severus. It was clear the boy was uncomfortable, wary even, but Severus could also see something else. Determination. It was a trait he had come to begrudgingly admire in the boy. It reminded him, though he'd never admit it, of Lily.

"Why?" Harry asked, his tone indicating he was trying to keep his cool.

"Because Umbridge has proven herself to be a threat," Severus responded bluntly, not mincing words. "Your safety, as well as that of the other students, is at risk."

Harry seemed to mull over his words, his expression hardening. "I can handle myself," he finally said, his jaw set stubbornly.

Severus resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Your bravado is noted, Potter, but this is not a matter of your personal courage or skill. This is a matter of a person in power abusing that power, using it to inflict harm. This is a matter for adults to handle."

Harry looked as if he wanted to argue, but he deflated somewhat, looking at his hand. "I don't like being caged, Snape," he muttered, almost too low for Severus to hear.

"Well, Potter, I don't particularly enjoy playing nursemaid," Severus retorted, a hint of his usual sneer curling his lip. "But you will stay here, under my protection. This is not a discussion. This is not a negotiation."

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