Chapter 2

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The fireplace flared to life as she approached, emerald flames licking at the dark wood within. She reached for the Floo powder kept on the mantle, scooping a small handful into her palm. "Severus Snape," she stated clearly, throwing the powder into the flames. They flickered, turning from emerald to a bright, searing green as the face of Severus appeared within.

"Minerva?" Severus questioned, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "I'm in the middle of trying to knock some sense into dunderheads. Can it wait?"

The stern look in Minerva's eyes caused him to reconsider his position. "Where is Potter?" Severus inquired, his tone heavy with irritation. "He didn't show up for Potions."

Severus paused, his annoyance clear. "It's not enough that he disturbs the class with his persistent disregard for instructions, but now he skips my class entirely? I swear, that boy..."

"Severus, put a student in charge and step through," Minerva instructed, ignoring his irritation. "Bring an anti-cruciatus potion, a pain potion and a healing balm. It's urgent."

Her abrupt request caused Severus to raise an eyebrow. "Those are not the normal potions for a headache, Minerva," he said, his tone measured but the concern unmistakable.

"Is something amiss?" he asked, his dark eyes probing the firelit space behind her. "Are you alright?"

For a moment, Minerva's stern face softened. She hesitated, then said, "Just step through with the potions, Severus. I'll explain when you're here."

With a curt nod, Severus disappeared from the flames. The fire reverted back to its ordinary warm glow. Minerva turned back to face Harry, her expression unreadable.

"Just a few more minutes, Harry," she said, offering a reassuring smile. "Professor Snape is coming with some potions that will help you."

Harry, still in a state of shock, simply nodded. He watched as Minerva paced the room, her wand twirling between her fingers. She moved with a purpose, as though preparing for battle, her expression hardening with each passing second.

There was a whoosh of flames, and Severus stepped out of the fireplace, his robes billowing around him. In one hand, he held a small case of potions, their different colors shimmering through the glass bottles.

"Minerva," Severus began, taking in the sight of Harry sitting in her office, his face pale and drawn, "what happened?"

Minerva gave him a brief, hard look before motioning him towards Harry. "Just see to Harry first, Severus. We can talk after that."

His dark eyes flickered with concern as he looked at Harry, who was still sitting in the chair, his green eyes glassy and distant. His gaze was drawn to Harry's hand where the scarring was visible, a glint of understanding flashing in his eyes before he schooled his features into the usual impassive mask.

Severus moved briskly to Harry's side, his gaze appraising. He reached out, checking his pulse. It was quick, much too quick. He rested a hand on Harry's forehead, feeling the heat radiating off him. "Fever," he muttered, mostly to himself.

Pulling the anti-cruciatus and pain potions from his case, Severus uncorked them. He held the vials up to Harry, saying softly, "Drink these. They will help with the pain."

Harry looked at the potions for a moment before taking them and downing them in two quick gulps. Severus watched him carefully, ready to intervene if Harry reacted badly to the potions.

Next, he transfigured the chair into a couch with a flick of his wand. He gently eased Harry down onto it, before turning his attention to the raw, inflamed skin on Harry's hand.

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