Chapter 10

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The next morning arrived slowly, the light fluttering into Severus's window. He opened his eyes and sighed deeply, not wanting the day to start already. The comfort of sleep had been a solace, but he knew that the harsh reality of the day was unavoidable.

His body protested as he rose from the bed, the dull ache of exhaustion still clinging to his bones. Nevertheless, he moved around his quarters with practised ease, the familiarity of the routine bringing some semblance of normality to the start of his day.

Once he was dressed in his usual black robes, he glanced once at the mirror, taking in his stern, pallid reflection. His eyes, darker than the stormiest of nights, seemed to hold a thousand thoughts, their depths revealing nothing of the worry that lurked within him.

Satisfied, he gently knocked on Harry's door, not wanting to rouse the boy if he was still sleeping. When Harry answered with a quiet 'come in', he opened the door slowly, careful not to make any sudden movements that might startle the boy.

Inside, he saw Harry sitting on the side of his bed, already dressed for the day. His glasses were perched precariously on the bridge of his nose, and his hair was as untidy as ever.

"I trust you slept well, Potter?" Severus asked, his voice devoid of the harshness it usually held when addressing the boy.

Harry shrugged, his green eyes reflecting his exhaustion. "Alright, I guess."

Severus gave a nod of understanding, his gaze lingering on Harry for a moment longer before he stepped out of the room. He was relieved to see the boy awake and dressed, even though he could tell that Harry was still not at his best.

"Come out when you're ready," Severus called over his shoulder. "I'm going to order breakfast. You'd better eat something." With that, he exited the room, leaving the door slightly ajar behind him.

Once in the kitchen, Severus called to one of the house elves that served Hogwarts. "We require two bowls of oatmeal. One with a touch of brown sugar and raisins mixed in. The other one, plain. Please, bring them to the table in my quarters."

He hoped that a gentle meal like oatmeal would be palatable for Harry's weak stomach. With the house elf bustling away, he moved towards the dining table and began setting up the silverware. He took a moment to glance towards Harry's door, reassuring himself that the boy would come out on his own accord.

After a few minutes, their breakfast appeared on the table. Severus, having just finished setting the table, turned to see Harry shyly emerging from his room. His green eyes looked weary but willing.

"Come, Potter," Severus said, motioning for Harry to join him at the table. "Please, have a seat."

Harry moved towards the table, a slight grimace on his face. Severus could tell that the boy wasn't feeling well, but he hoped that a good meal might improve his mood and strength.

They ate in silence, the only sound being the clink of spoons against the bowls. Severus watched as Harry poked at his oatmeal, lifting spoonfuls to his mouth, but never really eating much. Though the boy had consumed more than he had at previous meals, it still wasn't enough for Severus's liking.

A sigh escaped Severus as he rose from his chair and moved towards the cabinet where he kept a supply of potions. Selecting one of his last nutrition potions, he uncorked it and returned to the table. He wordlessly pushed the potion across the table towards Harry.

Harry looked at the potion with mild disdain, but didn't protest. He picked up the vial and studied it for a moment before looking up at Severus with a questioning glance.

"Do you have an upset stomach, Potter?" Severus asked, his dark eyes boring into Harry's.

Harry merely shrugged, his gaze dropping back to the potion in his hand. The lack of response from the boy was concerning.

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