Season 2 Chapter 2 - Council Clashes and Conflict II

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Previously on The Lost Son of Lucifuge

Lord Bael: Child, we don't care what you think, you'll hand her over or else.

Lucias: Or else, what!? You'll attack me ,hmmm? As far as I know, this council is guilty of a lot of crimes, the Kuroka Toujou, situation?? What happened there, a girl protected her sister from certain death due to their masters experiments by killing him, she was declared as a high ranked stray and at that resulted in the Genocide of the Youkai Nekoshou and Nekomata races. This information is already heading to Kyoto as we speak, so do expect a response from the Youkai and Shinto Factions

And what about the ongoing disappearances of Holy Maidens going on around the world, I'm certain there is a High-Class Devil at the forefront of this but you are protecting that person.

Oh how about the Cleria Belial - Misomi Yaegashi debacle, dont look so shocked. Oh, I know about that. That incident caused one of my closest friends to move away as a result, because of some cover up by the Council. I will find out what happened

/At this point most of the councillors began sweating at the mention of the Belial incident and the fact that Lucias is flexing his power, the room starts to freeze/

Oh and let's not forget about how this Council mistreats, demeans and looks down on Low-Class and Mid-Class Devils, many of whom are Reincarnated just simply because of the fact that they are Half-Devils .

And one more thing, what about Sairaorg Bael, one of the Rookies 6 , he and his mother were exiled from the Bael Clan for the transgression of him not being born with the Power Of Destruction, what kind of father are you to do that, and only bringing them back when Misla Bael fell to the Sleeping Disease, how classless from you, give yourself a round of applause father of the year, bravo and you demand I hand over Valiana, in your fucking dreams I will.


The council was stunned silent by Lucias' words, some where afraid of what would happen especially about the Youkai Nekoshou and Nekomata Genocide.

Lord Bael: Don't make statements and threats that you know aren't truthful boy.

Lucias: In fact, how do you even know that I have a descendant of Lucifer in my household, because as far as I know, no Devil Household is supposed to interfere with the other and it really doesn't matter whether the Bael Household is ranked as Great King, you interfering with the Household which in reality should have the greatest influence in the underworld as the first House outside of the 4 Great Royal Satan Clans to exist , a disservice done to the Lucifuge Clan like a disservice done to the Lucifer clan, which Valiana represents .

Furthermore, Valiana was placed in my protection as per the orders of the Devil Kings themselves, and her identity was not supposed to be known until either she was ready, or I and the Devil Kings decided to reveal her to the underworld.

/Lord Bael started stuttering, he didn't have an answer to Lucias' accusation, which further proved that he interfered with another Household outside of the Legal Channels ,which he showed to the not only the council but the Devil Kings themselves. /

The council starts to see what Lord Bael had done was illegal and in direct contravention of the Devil Kings orders.

Lucias: Let's not forget about the Arranged Marriages you have been putting together, Marriages which would have been loveless in the name of "having more purebloods " which would have driven some people to suicide if it went that far

I've even heard how your son has several members of extinct households in his peerage, but they aren't allowed to take leadership of those houses simply because they aren't pure Devils, oh give me a fucking break. So you'd rather have less households in the 72 Pillars rather than letting those last remnants of the Households take leadership on that basis.

Great King Zekram, correct me if I am wrong as you were a General in Lucifer's Army in the Great War, but wasn't it decreed by the First Devil Kings themselves that there should be no interference between Households.

Zekram: That is correct ,Lord Lucifuge, I was there when Lucifer made that declaration with the agreement of the other Devil Kings and the founders of the 72 Pillars including myself with your Great-grandfather as well. What are you implying?

Lucias: That your descendant has violated the order of the Lucifer, which carries to this current day with the current Lucifer Sirzechs, and I believe that Lord Bael should be trialed for violating said declaration.

At this point there was a rumbling in the council Chambers as the Great King Faction tried to dispute it ,but the majority of the chamber agreed with Lucias on the points he had made. It was at this time Sirzechs and the Maous entered the fray.

Sirzechs: I believe what Lord Lucifuge speaks is the truth ,no Devil Household is supposed to interfere with another outside of sanctioned events and other ways which are legal. It is also correct in Lord Lucifuge's opinion that any disservice done to the Lucifuge Clan is a disservice done to Lucifer, the ruling one and the Clan itself.

Serafall: And according to Lord Lucifuge it seems there's a lot more on the surface that what seems to be the case, such as the Belial Incident, Holy Maidens being excommunicated, which the heaven has been in contact with us about.

Ajuka: Then there is the Youkai Nekoshou and Nekomata Genocide as well, along with the branding of Kuroka Toujou as a stray Devil, which never passed by us and was passed by the Council without due process and confirmation from us as well.

Falbium: In light of this findings, the Devil Council's powers will be suspended until a clear path forward can be take , whilst in that case Lord Bael, you are under arrest, for illegal interference with another Household, violation of a decree from the First Devil Kings as well, a date for your trial will be set soon.

When the Maous announced the suspension of the Devil Council's powers there was outrage, which was swiftly silenced when Ajuka, Serafall and Sirzechs Flaring their auras. Lord Bael was arrested and taken away to which Sirzechs ended the Council session.

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