the morning

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chat why'd it take me like 8 day to make but like almost a whole damn month to like finish I  really am slow TvT RIP and I felt for not posting anything so yeah I got kinda lazy at the end.btw this story is GuitarSpear but like... I don't know man I'm kinda brain dead 

- I didn't do a spelling check

- I suck at writing 

After the failed extermination where Adam had died: Lute has taken charge. As the role itself does have a lot of responsibilities the consequences of being by Adams' side till his last breath still haunts her. Every night she has the same dream where she's with Adam somewhere in heaven having a nice time and she drops something she goes down to pick it up and the moment she blinks she finds herself on her knees by Adams soon to be lifeless body bleeding from his chest and blood all over her hand as she comes to realization of what's happening. He gives her a smile. Lute's heart is beating rapidly as she's trying to think of something to do to help him. Though her thoughts are soon chased away when she hears Adam's voice. "Thank you lute. For not leaving me..." he says in a raspy voice. His breathing is slowing and slowing by the seconds. There's nothing lute can do to save him now as all she does is hold him in her one arm she has. She cries for him to live to see another day to make it out alive... as she continues to hold Adam in her arm the room fades to a black void. She's still crying and holds Adam tightly but now it is only them, no one else just them and soon like always his heart stops beating. And he starts to fade away as well now only leaving lute by herself crying in the dark void...

But always she wakes up with a sweat, her heart beating rapidly and her mind racing. She wipes her forehead and sighs "it's just the same dream you've been having since he's passed...nothing new lute.." she mutters to herself. She gets up and walks to the bathroom to try and clear her she's in the bathroom she turns on the faucet and splashes her face with some cold water hoping it would wake her up a little. Once it did then she would have a clear mind to go back to sleep as it's only 3 in the morning. She may have splashed herself with maybe a little too much water that for now it seems she's fully awake. looks at herself then blinks and looks down at the running water and turns the faucet off. Lute looks at herself in the mirror. She puts her hand in her grayish white hair and sighs. She makes eye contact with her reflection and stairs at herself. her pupils shifted around her face. Both of her eyes had small dark bags underneath them. Her hair is somewhat messy but it probably could have been cause she was just sleeping. The one thing she seems to never forget about that's new is her lack of her other arm: It was cut off or more ripped off when she was trying to kill vaggie in the hazbin hotel when it was about to collapse.

After a little lute leaves the bathroom, closing the door behind herself. As she was now in her room she looked at a picture of her and Adam in the heaven courtroom. She had her legs crossed as she was on a table with Adam behind her doing like hand signals to whatever they were talking about. Lute smiles a little then it turns into a slight frown. Lute then finds herself walking outside in the dark which is like wild because I think heaven is always bright weather or not if it's day time or not anyways! Lute gently pushes open the golden gates that make a slight creaking noise and invites herself in. As she walks in she sees a very massively and well taken care of an apple tree (Garden of Eden?!?!) she looks it up and slowly looks down it as she does ; she is able to see a gray little arch shaped stone near the bottom of the tree. That would be Adam's grave as they did not bring his body back up to heaven where he could have died they decided to make him a tombstone that says "Adan the first man he really was the man" and the year he was born and when he died underneath that. Lute walks closer to tombstone intel she's right in front of it. She looks at the tombstone and kneels down to it. Keeping her head a little low and closing her eyes as they start to water a little thinking of the moment of Adam dying. lute lets out a sigh as tears start to fall down her cheek then down to the ground landing on the little patch of dirt that was in front of Adam's gravestone. As lute breaks character and starts to cry more she wipes the tears away with the palm and thumb of her only hand. She then hears a sound like someone sighing or someone muttering..? Well as she hears it she instelly gets up and stands guard for wherever or whoever she heard. After a little she realized there seemed to be no one here and it's just her being paranoid...or was it..? 

She sighs "it's nothing. You're just sleep deprived..." as she mutters this to herself and looks up she sees a silhouette by the apple tree. It was at the far side of the apple tree where it was a little harder to see the silhouette. Lute squint her eyes as trying to see what or more who was by the apple tree. She slowly starts to approach the silhouette as the back of whatever it was facing the tree she could take it by surprise if it was harmful but something in her told her to not do anything yet. So she doesn't and continues to walk closer to it. The faint rising sun shines as there are no clouds yet this early in the morning The once-was-a-silhouette becomes more clear as lute sees it more clearly with the very early morning sunlight shining on and as she's in arm reach of it. She's frozen and shocked. The person was Adam...? Lute didn't know how to feel. The Adam that was by the apple tree was sitting calmly and somewhat moving as in breathing. He looked like Adam. The only big difference is that he was blue, white and umm kinda see thru..? As if he was a ghost..? The Adam looking person turns his head slightly to look at lute or more see her in the corner of his eye he smiles a little "hi lute.." he says in the same raspy voice he had last time .lute was still shocked to see Adam right in front of her was it her mind just playing tricks on her..? She shakes her head "o-oh hello Adam..?" she says kinda confused, still walking closer to him as he was sitting by the apple tree "w..what are you doing here Adam. Aren't you umm kinda..dead?" lute says still not sure if she's seeing right as it's early morning so who knows maybe she's reached her breaking point and is now delusional. Adam doesn't say anything and continues to look over at the slowly rising sun as it shines its early morning sun light.

Lute is a little unsettled with the silence and the fact that Adam's ghost is like here although she doesn't stay that unsettled as the sun slowly rising somewhat brings her comfort about the weird situation she's in.. She decides to walk closer to Adam and sits down by the apple tree with him even though she is still somewhat unsettled. It's still comforting to see the sun rising and to see her past commander next to her.

There's a big gap of silence as none of them say anything. it's a slightly uncomfortable silence as Adam would usually be a talkative and cocky person but he isn't now... he turns his head a bit to look at lute. He can tell that she probably feels a little uncomfortable which is reasonable cause he would probably feel the same. "You look tired." He pauses before talking again. "Why are you at the garden of Eden this early?" Lute didn't know if she should answer honestly or if she should make something up and lie. But since Adam was basically the only friend she ever had she didn't feel like she should or had a reason to lie to her best friend. "I had a..bad dream and... I wanted to clear my mind so I came to visit your grave..." she says quietly as she remembers the dream watching Adam die in front of her very eyes and not being able to do anything. Adam makes an 'O' shape with his mouth as he nods slightly. Then again there's silence. The only noise heard is the sounds of the early birds chirping and singing as they fly through the sky. Adam doesn't say anything. Either of them say anything as they watch the sunrise slowly. Adam lays his head on lute's shoulder. Lute was stiff as she didn't expect that but hey she also didn't expect to see Adam's ghost. She relaxes a little as Adam rests his head on her shoulder. They don't say anything or move, they stay like this as they watch the sunrise and Adam's ghost starts to fade away intel your no longer able to see it and lute is left alone with the thought of seeing the ghost of Adam as the sun continues to raise

"Thank you lute..for not leaving me..." she thought to herself. That was the last thing she heard Adam say. It brought her some comfort knowing he's still here. she felt better know. she stays still sit where she and Adam where. she watches  the land be cover in the glowing light of the sun...

words:1712 4/30/24

Random one shots with helluva boss, hazbin hotel and my OC'sWhere stories live. Discover now