seventh year anniversary...?

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@Nugiios requested this and I like finally made it don't question me I was sleep deprived and I didn't do a spelling check soo yeah have fun with that :P

Ed Sheeran and Alastor had been married for Errm seven years cause why not? Anyways they had 6 and a half since Alastor was still pregnant with their seventh child. The two love birds where gonna celebrate their seven year anniversary and your probably thinking who's gonna watch the six children!? Well they pulled up to the hazbin hotel Ed Sheeran kicked all the kids out of the care and yell "be good like gremlin!" And him and Alastor drove away. Charlie looked at the kids and was like "what the fuck I didn't sigh up for this" So Charlie was stuck with six ugly af gremlins that aren't even her's. Vaggie walks into the lobby and sees the kids. She look at Charlie and Charlie just looks back at her girlfriend. She shrugs and says "um so Ed Sheeran just kinda drop kicked them out of their van and now their here..." Vaggie sigh and looks at all of the kids


Ed Sheeran and Alastor had made it to Ohio b/c why the fuck not!? They bought a hotel room for 69,1777$ but who cares b/c alastor eat the person and took the keys to the room. Once the couple made it to the room they realize they didn't pack anything. So  Ed Sheeran and Alastor get in a fight and they start throwing hands and shit like all married couple do in shows and movies. But then out of no where Vox comes and punch's Alastor in the stomach. Alastor clutch's his stomach in pain "Vox what the fuck was that for!?" He said in a panic as it could have hurt his seventh child "your to young two beautiful I can't let you throw away your life with his child!" Vox said. Alastor looks at him like he's a dumbass "Vox...this is my seventh kid what the he-" before he could finish Vox had interrupted him "well yeah now there's no ba- wait a damn minute did you just say seventh!?" "Yeah I did dumbass-" Vox the punches him in the stomach "hopefully it's only six got damn y'all need to chill like Jesus Christ" Alastor clutch's his stomach now kneeling in the floor "yo I think you killed the baby" Ed Sheeran finally said. He just kinda watch's his husband that on the floor and doesn't do anything like the great husband he is. "Eh Bitch what the fuck are you doing!? Come help me and take me to the hospital!!" Alastor yelled. Ed Sheeran was like "um..alright". Ed Sheeran he great hesabond he was grabbed Al and threwed him into the van and they started to drive to the hospital in California b/c it was the closest one to then. As they finally made it to the hospital Ed Sheeran basically drop kicked Alastor out and told him he was gonna wait in the car so alastor had to go in by himself and so after all that doctors shit that I definitely know and stuff he had a miscarriage. Of course Al was distracted and trying his best not to cry as he walked back to the car. But what he would be would be so flabbergasted that he'll turn British! He saw Ed Sheeran his husband for seven years what having an affair and with VOX!?!? His definitely best friend since like forever!!! "HOW COULD YOU!!" Alastor yelled with disgust as he looked at his husband and Vox. "W-wait!? A-al honey it's not what it looks like!" "Don't you try to lie to me!! You were just making out with... eh HIM!! of all people how could you we have a family we have six kids together!!!" Al said bursting into tears "womp womp.." Vox just kinda said he was kinda real for that. "I WANT A DIVORCE!!! AS SOON AS WE GO HOME YOU'RE SINGING THE PAPERS!!!!" Al yelled again Jesus he was being loud "wait honey you don't have to do that! T-think about the kids! And how it's gonna effect them!! W-we can't get a divorce!" "Well you should have thought of that before you cheated on me!!" Alastor then drop kicks Ed Sheeran and Vox out of the car. Alastor drives all the way back to Ohio to where their hotel that they didn't pay for is. Vox and Ed Sheeran just look at each other and then go back to making out. And then a nuke was dropped on them and they went BOOM!!!


alastor had ran over like 29 people since he was crying and not looking on the road. He surprisedly made it safely he went to the hotel room he had and he flopped onto his bed and turned on the TV he didn't really care what the hell the news ppl were saying intel something caught his attention. His husband and I guess Vox were found dead from a nuke that had fallen on them but like didn't even go off so that was totally bs but whatever. Alastor was devastated first he got punched in stomach twice and looses his baby but he's lost his husband too!?!? How could that be!? Alastor started to cry but herder then he had every before. How could his whole entire life be crumbling in the snap of a finger!?

The next day

Alastor had woken up from his sleep he was hoping this whole thing was a dream but the moment he saw his husband wasn't by him he knew he wasn't dreaming at it was very much real. Alastor got up from his bed feel something he's never felt before...depression...he walked to the bathroom to wash up. After he did he decided to go get something to eat cause maybe that would make him feel better. The moment he was outside he felt a little better. The sky was light blue with little clouds and the sun was up in the sky shining it's glowing light on everything it could. Alastor exhaled and muttered to himself "it's gonna be alright everything is gonna be fi-" then BANG!!! The moment Alastor stepped on the road he got hit by a milk truck that was coming by. Alastor was dead and there was nothing the milk man could do so he kept driving leaving Al's body on the road...

Seven years later:

"sooo Umm...when do you think your parents are gonna come back..?" Charlie says asking one of the oldest kids and asking Vaggie. "Charlie I don't think their coming's been what seven years since they left...they ain't coming back" Charlie frowned a little hearing her girlfriend. " think we can adopt them?" "Umm...sure I guess" Charlie's face lit up "YAY!!!"

So Charlie and Vaggie lived happily ever after with their six adopt kids :D

Word: 1205 June/24/24

Random one shots with helluva boss, hazbin hotel and my OC'sWhere stories live. Discover now