02 - Lance

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18:59 - Artificial Hot Springs
50 Cretan Days to LandingLance Z-64

To my past self, I am very grateful that you decided to come onto this expedition to Xiole, because today I have found paradise.

Xander and I are currently drifting between the identities of boy and prune, as we idly soak in ginger-scented water, under the shadows of orange foliage. Jazzy music floats all around where we sit silently and enjoy the act of breathing.

Above us are the stars.

To the person who designed this ship, I love you. Thank you for this incredible contribution to Cretan civilization.

Then, I hear the water beside us stir. My eyelids flit open to see Brye R-22, one of our teammates from the last exam. He waddles towards us and settles down onto the smooth rock floor.

"The broadcast is airing soon," he informs us.

Xander and I whip our heads towards him.

"It is?" Xander asks excitedly, like a puppy. His cheeks are rosy pink from the steam.

"Oh boy," I turn my attention back towards the water.

"Are you two going to watch it?"

"I'd prefer not to," I admit. "I don't like seeing myself on screen."

"Why? You're such a good-looking fellow," Brye exclaims. I notice his eyes are fixated right onto my upper body. Instinctively, I cover myself up by crossing my arms.

"Thanks... but I still don't enjoy it."

Brye shrugs as if he can't understand. "Well, I guess I'm more excited to see Aristina Y-26. I'm still bummed I wasn't on her team."

"Aristina, huh?" I ask.

"The famed ship beauty," Xander notes.

"So?" Brye pokes us again. "What did you think of her?"

He's trying to engage us in locker room talk. I don't like it.

"She's nice," Xander nods.

"Nice? She's absolutely gorgeous!" Brye exclaims. "Lance, back me up here."

Why is he calling on me?

"Yeah, she's nice."

"My god, you two have no taste. Maybe you're not into the high-and-mighty type? Or maybe I'm just weak to her because the girls in R-22 are not cute at all, although you didn't hear me say that—"

"We're not interested in this," I say curtly.

"Oh, so the rumours about you two are true?"

"Huh?" Xander and I ask simultaneously. "What rumours?"

"Oh, that you two are together."

"N-no!" Xander shouts, then becomes embarrassed at his outburst. "We're not together."

I stare back at him. "Huh. People are saying we're together?"

"Well, they released a few teaser trailers for tonight's broadcast, and apparently the chemistry between you two is unmistakable."

Dione and Milo released trailers? They really are treating this like reality TV. But for what reason? Their own entertainment and enjoyment?!

"I mean, I do like Lance, a lot."

"I like Xander too."

"But there's already a girl I like."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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