Chapter Three

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Blond hair. First thing Haley woke up to was blond hair. Immediately she jolted, but was quickly shushed.

It... it was Nessie. Nessie was here.

Before tears could well up in her eyes again, Nessie gestured for her to follow. The girl hesitated only for a brief moment before doing so.

Quietly the duo sneaked out of the house. And the moment they got out, Nessie picked her up. Even though Haley was nine, Nessie was strong enough to carry her.

Especially for a long period of time, as it turned out. Because it felt like ages until they got to Mike's car.

"Oh thank god you found her." Mike whispered, as if someone could be listening in.

"Yeah." Nessie then went to buckle Haley in the back seat, right behind the shotgun spot. "Looked like I managed to get in when Luke was out."

Haley watched as her fellow actress moved into the passenger seat, and how Mike's face grew anxious.

Who wouldn't be? Snatcher was out there. And he wouldn't like how 'Hat Kid' disappeared on him.

"Okay..." Mike sighed. Almost carefully, he had his car start. Glancing through the rear view mirror, concern was clear as day in his sparkling blue eyes.

Haley always thought he had pretty eyes. They reminded her of stars when the light hit them right through his glasses.

"We're going to head back to the studio." He said, bringing her out of her thoughts.

She only nodded.

And then they started to drive.

The ride was quiet for a while. Until Haley asked the question that was burning within her. "How did you find me?"

She did not miss how the two glanced at each other.

"Well..." Mike trailed off.

"The studio actually went on a search for you. Different people got different areas around town. Mike and I got the forest." Nessie continued for him. "We decided that it was best I went searching while he stayed in the car."

She didn't elaborate more on that.

The car grew silent again. It was as if they were afraid to speak. They didn't even put the radio on.

Then they heard it. A dreadful, awful, horrible, inhuman screech that rattled the whole forest. Even the car.

No doubt the town would be able to hear that.

Fear gripped them all, and Mike dared to drive faster.

Snatcher knew Haley was gone. He would be looking for her.

He would be hunting down any kidnappers.

They drove and they drove and they drove. The trees rattled in the wind. The moon shining down on them. The shadows were long, almost as if reaching for them. Ever so slowly did the forest began to recede as they got closer into town.

They were almost there.


A giant serpentine black mass blocked their way as bright yellow light blinded their eyes. Crying out, Mike slammed on the brakes, causing the tires to screech as it was forced to stop.

"WHY HELLO THERE!" Haley's blood ran cold at the voice. "YOU'RE AWFULLY FAR FROM HOME, HM?"

Frozen to her seat, the little girl saw the large, enraged form of Snatcher bend down to look through the windshield.

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