#44 Prison

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How do I stay hopeful? When the whole world stands against me.

When the whole world tries to put me down and blame me for every wrong.

I'd be damned if I still were wishful enough to think that things would change anytime soon.

They won't. I'm stuck here. Broken and tattered. I'm shattered into million pieces.

I'm walking on needles everyday trying to salvage whatever I can of me.

But this bird can't soar in the sky. This prison called life has been built for me since my birth. I've been placed in it to count my days.

You laugh at my pathetic attempts to free myself of the chains you have put on me. But I fail.

I know you can tell, that here, I don't feel safe. I just want to escape from this ice cold cage.

My heart shivers at the thought of every hurt you have caused so far. You haven't stopped at nothing to make me miserable.

I speak with my silence now since words don't seem to work on you. Everything I have spoken so far feels meaningless.

Every attempt to change your heart or seek help, it has been my fate to be denied of any assistance.

I'm surprised I get enough sustenance. But is it really enough for my heart and my health?

I think you have already ruined my soul completely, I stand at the crossroad of abyss and an even deeper abyss.

Nevertheless, I still jump in.


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