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Author pov:- It was a beautiful morning.....maids have started there work in the breathtaking mansion....a women in her 40s coming downstairs......maids hear footsteps and without thinking twice they all stop whatever they were doing and stand looking down...

In a moment the women came down and walk toward kitchen while other maids bow there head in respect.she went inside kitchen....

"have you all prepared what I have said yesterday?".she asked.one of the maid nodded her head saying .

"yes everything is ready".she said . A warm smile spread on her lips and she said .

"everything should be perfect....after all my son is coming back ".she said and walk out of kitchen and went to dinning room and sat on the chair.....

After sometime a man came down and directly went to dinning room . The women turn to him and smile saying .

"good morning honey".she said smiling. The man smile back and said .

"very good morning jagi".he said they both smile to eachother.

"where is eomma ?".he asked making the women shrugged.

"I don't know she must have went to his dear grandsons room to wake him up ".she said . He nodded his head

"btw when Is he coming?".he asked . The women smile wide and said .

"he will be here soon....his flight is going to land and i have told him to come here before going to the company ". She said then they heard footsteps coming toward them .

They looked back and saw old women in her 70s coming toward dinning table with a man beside her . She was holding his arm while he was silently walking looking at everywhere.

They came and sat on the dinning table.

"good morning eomma ".the man greet .the old women smile and said .

"good morning jaehyun my son ".jiyoung said

"morning eomma".the women said .

"morning min jae".she said .

"good morning son". jaehyun said . The man who was sitting on the chair beside jiyoung smile wide and said.

"good morning appa".he said jiyoung and jaehyun chuckle at him . Then jiyoung turn to min jae . She smile a little and greet him .

"taehyungie....are you happy your brother is coming today ?". jiyoung asked . He smile wide and nodded his head clapping his hand

"iam very very very happy ". taehyung said while clapping his hand. Jiyoung chuckle. Jeahyun smile to him ..............

A maid came and serve them there breakfast. She serve taehyung and he smile wide and said

"thank you noona". taehyung said .she smile a little and went back to the kitchen.....

Taehyung was about to eat when min jae hold his hand and stop him .... jiyoung and jaehyun looked at her ...she smile and said ..

"don't you think you should wait for your brother to come first?".min jae asked . taehyung looked at her and nodded his head saying ..

"taehyung will wait for his brother.....". taehyung said . Min jae smile to him and said .

"good puppy".min jae  said making jiyoung glare at her .

"watch your mouth min jae.... don't forget who he is ".she said . Min jae rolled her eyes internally and said .

"eomma i didn't forget who he is but he surely have forget".she said and laugh a little.

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