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As morning came lees and Kim's were desperate to know yn's answer . Now lees are doing there breakfast silently. Non of them ask anything to yn . As they are hesitate to ask her ..

They also don't want her to marry him as they have nagetive feeling the same feeling what yn was thinking yesterday.

They love there daughter so much .And always want her best . They want the best man for there daughter but they can't denied jiyoung when they met her after sometime many years.

They know jiyoung will take care of her along with jaehyun as they both know them also jimin seems a good guy . They are having negative thoughts.

Now lees are having there breakfast silently as non of them said anything until young jae broke the silence.

Young jae:"hey potato...you didn't tell us your answer.....tell us do you want to marry him or not?".he asked yn glare at him but sigh seeing her parents also looked at her to know the answer.

Yoonjin:"it's okay my princess....tell us your answer honestly...you know we will respect your decision.... remember no one is forcing you....".

She said yn nodded her head and said .

Yn:"eomma appa.....it..it's just iam having some nagetive thoughts".she said slowly.

Yoonjin:"what is it princess?".she asked.

Yn:"it's just.....what if he remember everything after marriage and don't accept me as his wife ?".she asked .yejoon eyes soften .

Yejoon:"think positive.... nagetive thoughts only bring stress and nothing else ".he said.

Yoonjin:"so what is your answer yn.....do you want to marry him ?".she asked . Yn looked down and take a deep breath before nodding her head in acceptance.

Yejoon:"are you sure ?don't you have any problem?".he asked . Yn shake her head .

Yoonjin:"tell us that you want to marry him?".she said .yn looked up and said .

Yn:"i...il..I'll ma...marry him ".she said . A sigh left from someones lips making three of them advert there attention to the person.

And it's non other than young jae...he sigh and smile wide saying.

Young jae:"finally I'll love in peace ".he said smiling widely. Yn glare at him and smack his back.he arche his back groaning in pain .

Young jae:"ahh".he groan.whioe yn glare at him .

Yn:"get lost from here before i kicked you out of this house ".she said annoyingly. He scoff .

Young jae:"you are the who's going to kicked out from this house not me ".he said smirking another smack landed on his arm.

Young jae:"why are you hitting me ...it hurts".he said caressing his arm .

Yn:"useless brat ".she said . As they were bickering while yoonjin and yejoon were smiling softly looking at there child .

Yoonjin:"okay enough now....young jae go or else you will miss your bus and yn you will also going to be late ".she said while standing up .

Yn:"yeah eomma....I'll get going now....I'll meet you at evening".she said.yoonjin came and peck her forehead causing her to smile wide .

Yejoon:"take care kids".he said as both young jae and yn are going .

Yn"you too appa".she said .they both smile as they both left the house .

Kim's are all happy knowing....yn will marry taehyung as she said yes. Everyone were very happy but they didn't tell this to taehyung as they want jimin to tell him . As he is the one whome taehyung listen without anything.

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