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Author pov:- Lee's family are having breakfast. Yn finish eating her food and stand up from her chair earning stares from her parents and her brother .

"what happened princess?". yejoon asked making yn looked at him and she said .

Yn:"nothing happened appa ....I just finish eating so iam going to my work".she said and take her bag and was about to go when .

Yejoon:"have a good day my princess".he said smiling . Yn smile to him and nodded her day .

Yn:"you too appa".she said and looked at her brother young jae who was eating like his life depends on it . She smack his back and said .

Yn:"and you.....don't miss your bus...I won't be able to come between my work to drop you in your university since our ceo will come today ".she said earning a nod from him .yoonjin came to yn and peck her forehead a beautiful smile appear in yns face . She smile and peck her cheek yoonjin smile and said .

Yoonjin:"your ceo will come but don't overworked. Take care of yourself and don't skip your lunch hmm".she said making yn nodded her head .

Yn:"yes eomma ".she said and bid good bye to her family and take the bus and came to her company.

She came inside and and bow to the receptionist. She smile back and nodded her head . She respect each and everyone in the office. She is the lovely employee in there company. Everyone loves her as she was always kind and caring to everyone.

She don't respect people by there position in the company. She respect each and everyone that's what makes them all to love her . As she came her team members greet her .

Junwoo:"good morning yn".a fine handsome and tall man greet her earning a smile and nod from yn. He is in the same age as yn .

Yn:"good morning junwoo".she greet him back . They all call each other by there names as they consider eachother as friends.

Eunji:"good morning yn".she greet her as she was in bathroom and when she came back she saw yn . Yn looked up to her and smile .

Yn:"good morning eunji".she greet back . They three sut on there chairs and started to do there work . After sometime the door open and a guy came . They looked at him .

Eunji:"min ho you are again late as usual".she said . He was panting. Yn stood up from her chair and give him a water bottle.

Min ho :"thank you yn".he said and drank the water . Yn take the water bottle from his hand and asked .

Yn:"why are you panting?did you come all the way running?".she asked . He shook his head and said .

Min ho :"I went to cafeteria to take a coffee as when I was coming one of a other team member told me that our CEO is coming and he is on his way ".he said .

Eunji;"finally our CEO is coming ......I have never seen him in my entire life".she said .

Junwoo:"me also ".he said .

Min ho :"as I know no one have seen him because he was handling the another company in other country and finally he is here and he is not the permanent ceo ".

Yn:"then who the real ceo?".yn asked. Before min ho could say something when someone came and said that ceo have arrived. They all stand in there places and door open and in no time a tall and handsome man came inside followed by a few people behind his back.

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