Chapter 1 ~ The beginning

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(This is set during the frat era)

I felt his cold fingertips moving slowly over my bare neck. I closed my eyes as shivers went down my spine. His soft lips met the thin skin on my neck and i knew that it would leave a mark that'll last for the next couple days. But I didn't care. I had been waiting for this way too long, I couldn't just stop. All of a sudden there was a shrill sound and I opened my eyes. 

I look around confused as my eyes get used to the bright light flowing in through the big windows. The thin cover moves with me as I sit up against the headboard. The shrill sound is coming from my phone that's laying on the nightstand next to the bed and I quickly press on snooze as I stretch out my body. I can't keep dreaming about him, I think to myself as i get out of bed. I hear someone making breakfast downstairs. I put my hair up in a messy bun before I walk out of my room and down the stairs. We've all been living together since we became a band three years ago. I walk into the kitchen and sit down on a chair around the table as Niall sits down on the chair opposite of me, putting a bowl of cereals in front of him. 

- Morning Flo, he says with his mouth full. Slept well?

I feel myself tensing up a bit as my thoughts immediatly wander to my steamy dream last night. 

- Uhm, yeah. I slept good, I answer shortly as i walk over to the fridge and grab the package of butter and cheese and start making a sandwich. Did you sleep well?  I ask Niall as i focus on spreading the butter onto two pieces of bread. 

- Not really, I was busy, he says with a snarky grin as he keeps eating his cereals.  I sigh quietly. I definitely heard what he was busy doing. Or more like who. 

All of a sudden Harry walks into the kitchen as well. I quickly glance at him. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. His grey sweatpants sit low, revealing the tiniest bit of the skin on his lower stomach. I catch myself looking a bit too long before I get back to making my sandwich. 

- You were pretty loud last night Niall, Harry says as he walks to the fridge. The walls are paperthin, so you should keep that in mind  for next time. 

- Don't blame me! Niall answers with a smirk. It's not my fault i'm so good at pleasing women.

- God Niall! I cover my ears as I feel like i've heard enough. Harry chuckles as he pours apple juice into a glass. 

- Did you hear them too, angel? Harry asks me as he leans with his back against the counter, sipping on the juice. 

I nod as my stomach turns at the sound of my nickname. It always makes me weak. I turn around and lean back against the counter next to Harry as I start eating my sandwich. 

- You excited for the Brits award tonight? he asks while looking at me. 

- Yeah, I really hope we win song of the year. It would be really amazing. 

Niall scoffs and looks at me aswell. 

- We're totally gonna win atleast three awards. 

- How can you be so sure? I ask while I take another bite of my sandwich.

- Florence, did you not listen to our latest album? It's the best one yet, it's gonna be so big. 

- I hope you're right, I say as i finish eating my sandwich. I walk out of the kitchen and back up to my room. 

(This is my first fanfic ever so please give me tips or if i should change anything<3 Also, english is not my first language, so keep that in mind, thankssss)

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