Chapter 3 ~ Blush

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The award is getting started and we're being led to our table for the evening. The arena is full of loud conversations and intoxicated laughs. The table is set with beautiful wine glasses, plates and silver cutlery. In the middle of the table there's a big bucket filled with all kinds of different beverages in bottles soaking in ice cold water. In front of every chair there's a small name tag. I find mine and Im sat down in between Niall and Liam. The table is big enough for all of us to fit around one half of it, so that we're all facing the stage. I look at the bottles in the middle of the table. I feel my anxiety creeping in and I'm in desperate need of some alcohol to numb the thoughts. I notice an open bottle of champagne in front of me and I grab it and watch as the golden liquid fall into my glass. 

"Anyone else want some champagne?" I ask the boys as I hold up the bottle in front of me. Niall, Liam and Zayn say yes to the offer and i pour it into their glasses as well. 

"I'll take some as well, angel" harry says with his typical rough voice. I glance at him and nod as I slightly lean over Niall to reach Harry's glass. The bottle is getting kinda heavy now that I've held it up for so long and my hands start shaking slightly. All of a sudden I slip with my hands and accidentally pour some of the champagne onto Harry's lap. He jolts out of his chair from the sudden action and I feel blood rushing into my cheeks. Fuck. I instantly grab a tissue and quickly walk over to Harry and start trying to fix my accident. 

"I am so sorry Harry, it wasn't on purpose, the bottle was slippery and I-" I stop as i feel a strong hand on my wrist. I slowly look up and notice Harry's eyes fixated on me, his chest rising up and down a bit faster than normally. 

"Stop it angel, It's alright." he says as he clenches his jaw and I realize what part of him I'm actually touching. I quickly let go off him and stand back. This can't be real. Why does this always happen to me. 

"I- sorry I'm just gonna..." I walk back to my chair as Harry walk away, probably to fix his..... problem. I groan as I slouch back in my chair. Niall is laughing beside me and I press my elbow into his side. 

"Hey!" he exclaims as he keeps on laughing. "I can't believe you did that."

I glance at him irritated, my cheeks still hot. "Fuck you, it's not even that funny" i mutter and take a sip of the champagne as Niall keeps on laughing. The sparkly bubbles tickles down my throat as I swallow. I slightly relax, but I still need a lot stronger things if I'm gonna make it through the whole night. The voices filling the room slightly lowers when the lights dampens and the host of the evening, James Corden, walks on stage. I look around and notice that Harry still hasn't made his way back to the table. This is so typical of him, just disappearing and not telling anyone where he is. I sigh and look up at James again as I keep sipping on my champagne. 

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" James exclaims with his usual host smile that I've seen far too many times. "Welcome to the 34th edition of The Brit awards! I promise that we have an amazing night ahead of us. And in case something goes wrong, don't worry folks. Florence cooper is here and she'll tell us what to do, like she always does to her 5 sons." 

The arena fills with soft laughter and a camera man appears in front of the table, the screens behind James at the stage panning to me awkwardly laughing. God, I can think of hundreds of better jokes, but hey, I can't blame him. He's just a middle aged man with a show that should've ended years ago. 

"So, let's jump right into it. Let's welcome the first presenter of the evening: Rosie Huntington-whiteley!" The sounds of hands clapping echoes through the arena as a blonde woman walks on stage. She's wearing a dark red short dress that looks really flattering on her. Her long legs is showing. If there was one thing I could change about my appearance, it would totally be my legs. I wish I could have long legs, there's just something so elegant and se-. My thoughts are interrupted by Liam's loud whispering. 

"Louis, look at that. She's a real hot one." he smirks as he glances up at Rosie on stage. "Damn right she is. She's not gonna leave without me" Louis agrees. I roll my eyes and look at Louis and point to the edge of his mouth. "You've got something there." Louis touches the area. "What?" he asks confused. "Oh just a bit of drool." I tease as he sighs irritated at me. 

But I do have to admit it.  She is really hot. 


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