six. raven

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six. raven
@ vficsxx

        THERE IS DEFINITELY ONE THING nobody noticed about the cut in Blaire's neck. That was, until they got back to their camp.

"Has your blood always been..." Bellamy said, stopping Blaire once they walked inside the camp gate. He gently rubbed his finger into some of her fresh blood, making sure he didn't hurt her or the wound. He showed her his finger. ""

Her blood was indeed, black. Blaire looked at it, shocked. "I'd never cut myself back on the Ark, and I hadn't until Murphy did..." She was so lost, confused. Black blood? How? Blood is supposed to be red, so how is hers... black? There was no way she could be unique, maybe it was the radiation. However, she didn't say that to Bellamy. There was no way she could cause chaos in the camp, considering how everyone is currently panicking.

Blaire stood on top of a crate, looking amongst the crowd. She then began to speak, her voice higher than the crowds until they all came down to silence.

"Murphy will not be returning to camp. He is a—"

A boy spoke up, someone a bit older than her. She also knew he was one of Bellamy's "friends". More like minions. "What's up with your blood, Jordan?"

"Her blood is different, that's all." Bellamy stepped up before Blaire had the chance to reply.

"Bellamy, I can stick up for myself," she said, letting out a sigh.

"As I was saying, Murphy is an asshole. So if he is seen anywhere near our walls, you bring him to me, everyone hear that?" Blaire yelled out, waiting until she heard people murmuring in agreement in the crowd before she spoke again. "Good," she said as she jumped down from the crate. "Now everyone get back to your—" she started before hearing a loud noise in the sky which almost sounded like a burst of fire.

All of the delinquents looked up into the sky, seeing as a pod was coming down from The Ark.

"What could it be? Maybe supplies from The Ark?" Blaire spoke to Bellamy.

"Maybe," he replied. He turned to the crowd. "We will send out a group at first light. But for now, everyone needs to get on with their duties, then rest for the night."

Everyone began to listen as Bellamy, Blaire, and Clarke got into a little huddle. "Do we really think The Ark would send down supplies?" Bellamy speaks up first.

"They sent us here for a reason, Bellamy," Clarke argues.

"For us to be killed."

"Bellamy you weren't even meant to be—"

"Enough!" Blaire interrupted their bickering, "both of you. We have people to protect from God knows what's out there."

Blaire heard both of them sigh, but they agreed. "So, we leave at first light?" Blaire said, getting a nod from them both.


Later that night, Blaire went over to Octavia to help boil the water her group had collected earlier that afternoon. "Hey, O."

"Hi," she replied with a soft smile. "You aren't with Bellamy?"

Blaire let out a chuckle. "He and I aren't dating, you know."

"Yeah, but he told me about that kiss in the cave."

Blaire sighed as she shrugged. She remembered that night all the time, but Bellamy never acted like he cares. He never even brought it up.

"Hm," Octavia mumbled. "Bellamy can be an ass, trust me, I know." She laughed as Blaire nodded.

"I've been meaning to speak to him, did you see where he went?" Blaire asked after a moment.

Octavia shook her head as she shrugged. "No clue."

As Blaire began to think about where Bellamy could have gone, she helped Octavia pour the lake water into the pot so the others could have something fresh to drink. Suddenly, it hit her.


Blaire excused herself from Octavia before she began to run in the direction of the ship that they had seen in the sky earlier. Of course he wouldn't wait until first light. She felt like an idiot for trusting him as she ran through the dark woods, scared of what or who could jump out and attack her.

Finally, she reached the crash as she spotted a girl she had known well back on The Ark, Raven Reyes. She was searching around in her ship for something, then she stood up with a sigh. "Where the hell is the damn ra—" then, she spotted Blaire.

Raven let out a chuckle as she ran to give the shocked brunette a hug. Blaire was still in shock that she had come here. "Ray, what are you doing here?" Blaire said with a laugh.

"Abby sent me to see how it was and to report to her about Clarke and the others but the damn radio is—"

Suddenly, Blaire spotted Bellamy walking over from the lake and she immediately knew who the culprit was. "You took it," Blaire said.

"Took what?" Bellamy said as Raven turned around to see him.

Blaire walked over to Bellamy with Raven behind her. "Where's the damn radio?"

Bellamy scoffed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Raven spoke up. "I need that to contact The Ark before the Culling happens!"

Blaire turned her head to Raven. "The Culling?"

Raven nodded. "They're killing like three hundred people to save oxygen."

Blaire looked back to Bellamy just to be met by a more shocked and guilty face. "Bellamy where is it?!"

"It's too late!"

Raven gasped. "Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for y—"

"Shut up," he said to her, then looked back to Blaire. "It's in the river."

"Then find it," she grumbled, shoving herself past him as she began making her way back to the Delinquents camp.

There wasn't a lot she knew about Bellamy Blake, but there were a few key things she had realized over time.

One, he didn't want The Ark to come down for whatever reason.

Two, he was an asshole.

And three, he didn't have a reason to care for anyone, except his sister.

So, her plan was to make him care, whether it be about her or someone else, she was determined to change him.

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