Corruption part 2

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Mori had called everyone for a meeting, as top members of Shadows were gathered, Mori started speaking.

"Chaos, tomorrow is our day off victory" Mori said and everyone's attention turned to him.

"What do you mean?" Odasaku said.

Mori chucked "Everyone please meet. Lovecraft from the Jewels organization" Mori said.

Love craft walked in the room with a tired look and so did another boy with blonde hair and he looked like he was wearing a farmers outfit

"Right so, who are you" Tachihara asked pointing at the blond.

"John Steinbeck the name is, Im Lovecraft's budy, ill have you know" John said.

"Right"Tachihara said.

"Tonight we are at victory, you all know what to do" Mori said. "But before the mission starts, let me ask my son how its going to go" Mori said turning to look at Dazai.

"Your son? What is he some type off fortune teller gifted" John asked.

"No, but do you want know something" Dazai said in a serious tone looking at John.

"Uh- sure..."John said in frightened tone.

Dazai was silence for a second"I really need to pee" Dazai said in inpatient voice.

"HUH" John said in confusion.

"Enough goofing around Dazai. How do you think this will end" Mori asked.

"For us, it will be fine"Dazai said

"And that's your que everyone. Dismissed" Mori said and everyone headed off.

Little did Mori know, Dazai didn't say his full prediction.

★ ~ '' ° •_• ° '' ~ ★

At the palace everything was peaceful, Chuuya was having dinner with Kouyou till they felt a shake.

"What was that?" Kouyou askrd.

Chuuya got up and ran to see what was going outside and saw explontions at the village.

"FUCK." Chuuya said and started to run.

Chuuya made it to the village and saw people houses burning and places being destroyed by the Shadows.

"WELL LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HEAR, WERE TAKING BACK WHAT IS OURS" Tachihara yelled using his ability to throw metal at the king.

Chuuya dodged it and actived his ability and stomped on the ground to throw boulders are the red head. Tachihara was hit and fell to ground cutting his laughter off. Chuuya ran to look for the guards and he found one.

"WHATS GOING ON" Chuuya said.


"Leave it to me, get as much people to safety and put out fires, inform the others to"Chuuya commanded.

"Sir" the guard said ran off.

Chuuya then ran towards the chaos even more to look for this so called monster the guard was talking about. He ran thru flames and falling house's.

"Golden Demon" Chuuya heard and turned around to see some off the Shadows members were trying to surprise attack him. Thankfully Kouyou was there to use her ability.

"Thank you Ane-San" Chuuya said.

"Be careful, ill get as much people to safety too. And remember don't even think about using" Kouyou said with a stern look.

Chuuya nodded and started running, when he got to the center he saw this so called monster. It was giant person in a blob looking shape, destroying everything with his tentacles. Chuuya watched from a not so far distance, hiding behind a house.
He observed the monster when he felt a hand placement on his mouth.

"Shh its me" Dazai said

Chuuya tried to to talk but couldn't, Dazai then moved the ginger to better location and safer and he let go off him.

"What the hell asshole" Chuuya said.

"What ever you do. Don't go near Lovecraft" Dazai said.

"Why? Because it will ruin the mission off your organization, yeah I don't think so buddy" Chuuya said.

"Chuuya please. You cant defeat Lovecraft, he isn't a ability user" Dazai said.

"Don't tell me what to do. My people are in danger. And why should i listen to you. Its not like I can trust you or anything" Chuuya said.

Dazai felt something stining in his heart when he heard the ginger say that. He knew something bad was about to happen to the ginger and wouldn't let that happen. He didn't know the reason why. All he knows he doesn't want the ginger to get hurt.

"Chuuya" Dazai said and pulled the ginger by his waist and connected their lips.

Fireworks went thru the ginger head. He didn't know what was happening, but he had to admit to himself. He missed the feeling off thoses lips. Dazai bit the ginger bottom lips for a entrance and Chuuya allowed letting out a gasp, as their tongues conjoined together Chuuya senses were knocked out off him. Dazai disconnected the kiss and looked at the ginger in the eyes.

"Please don't go-" Dazai said but got cut off by a punch.

"For the last time. Don't tell me what to do" Chuuya said in low voice. Ran towards the monster and activated his ability.

And the battle begins.

Chuuya fought with everything but nothing was taking this thing down. Dazai watched from afar. Chuuya was taking a beating badly. Till he couldn't take it.

"FUCK. Your sure some powerful thing" Chuuya said getting off the ground.

"Hate to break it to you. But he is. Surrender or die" John said.

"That's not a option" Chuuya said removing his gloves.

Dazai noticed that and looked confused about what was about to happen.

"Why that. Come one Kingy you will lose and it will be joyful" John said.

"Grantors of dark disgrace"


hope u guys enjoyed
sorry for the last chapter to be short

anyways side note
As I was searching for John John Steinbeck name
i found some interesting shit about Lovecraft in the anime .YALL HES 28 MAYBE. I thought Lovecraft was atleast 100 years old
bro he still looks hot tho 😖

anyways see you in the next chapter:3

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