Mackerel and Slug

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Few weeks have passed and the kingdom is slowly rebuilding. With the destruction from the battle, villagers houses were destroyed so some people had to live in a homeless shelter till their houses were rebuild.

"Your highness" Sigma said entering the room.

"Mhm? Yeah what is it" Chuuya said in a tired voice, he had been working on some documents and people complaints about the slow repairs.

"Prince Nakajima is here" Sigma said.

"WHAT" Chuuya yelled in surprised.

Chuuya got up and went to the living room and saw the young prince sitting on the couch.

"Chuuya-san Hello" The boy said with a soft smile.n

"Atushi what brings you here all off sudden" Chuuya said walking up the boy.

"I heard about the battle and that you were in a coma, so i wanted to see you" Atushi said standing up and giving the ginger a hug.

"Im fine thank you. But repairs on the village, it's taking some time to get things fixed" Chuuya said with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah. My parents would love to help out with anything. Also that's why I'm here. We had some volunteers to help with the rebuild" Atushi said.

"Its true the King and Queen would love to help out as much they can" Mushitaro Atushi servent said.

"That's amazing, but I have no idea how to repay back" Chuuya said.

"No need, after all you've done amazing work as a king" Atushi said with a smile.

After some chatting and catching up, they boys decided to go have a walk around the village. Things didn't look so bad after all. With the new volunteers things started to look less messy.

"Oh Chuuya-san I heard someone saved you from corruption" Atushi asked.

"Oh yeah. Turns out the Shadows leader son has a nullify ability" Chuuya said.

"A nullify ability and you didn't know?"

"Well it makes alot off sence. How many times guards abilities didn't work or were stopped in middle off battle" Chuuya said.

"Well talking about me huh?"

Chuuya heard a cocky voice and knew who exsatlcy who it was. He stopped in his tracks and turned around to see the brunette. In a barrel.

"What the hell are you doing" Chuuya said walking up to the brunette.

"Would you mind getting out off my way" A black haired boy said.

Chuuya steped back and saw a black hairded boy.

"RASHOMON" The boy yelled and his ability claws broke the barrel to release the brunette.

"Jeez akutagawa you could off gone easy. MY BACK FEELS LIKE ROCKS" Dazai complained.

"I cannot allow you to do a suicide Dazai-san" Akutagawa said.

Chuuya and Atushi were both standing confused.

"HEY SLUG" Dazai yelled out.

"Slug?" Atushi raised a eyebrow and looked at Chuuya.


"MACKEREL?" Dazai yelled out. "YOU WOUNDED ME, I DIDN'T KNOW SLUG COULD BE SO MEAN" Dazai said placing his hand on his chest and dramatically fell down.

"Let's go Atushi" Chuuya said but didn't see the white haired boy anywhere. "Atushi?"

"Hi there Im Nakajima Atushi" Atushi said introducing himself to the brunette and black haired boy.

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