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PART - 45

Shehnaz was standing outside the building as she was waiting for her cab so that she could go home . She was still feeling sad about this whole project thing. She was so much happy and excited for her project and thought that her efforts were finally paid off but it's was not the case because she got this project mainly because of sidharth and not solely because of her talent. But she is adamant that she will prove herself and show everyone that she didn't get this project because of any connection and show everyone her worth with her work.

A loud booming of horn voice broke her trance. Her eyes furrowed when she saw a black luxurious BMW X5 parked Infront of her. Her eyes narrowed  as she couldn't able to see the person face who was seating inside it because of its tinted glasses but soon they turned into normal one when the person sitting inside the car rolled down the window glasses.

" Shehnaz , come " A scoff left her mouth when the person sitting inside the car called her.

" No sidharth, I'm not coming" she denied immediately.

" Please come naa" sidharth pleaded.

" No " shehnaz started walking away from him after saying this. She didn't wanted to go with sidharth anywhere because of her anger.

" Shehnaz if you didn't come here in a second than  be ready to get lifted in air " sidharth warned her , his deep voice showed seriousness.

" Huhhh" shehnaz rolled her eyes and continued her walk but soon halted on her step when a click sound of the car door reached her ears and she spun immediately on her hills and saw sidharth almost coming out of the car.

" Okay !! Waite , I'm coming" She yelled and quickly made her way towards his car. A chuckle left sidharth mouth after seeing her.

Sidharth moved towards passenger seat and opened the car door for her. Shehnaz hurriedly seats inside the car. After making her sit in the car he also went back to his driving seat.

" You will fasten your seatbelt yourself or should I do , i really don't mind in doing it " Sidharth offered when Shehnaz  didn't fastened her seatbelt and just looking outside the window after rolling down the glasses of window.

" N-No I can do it myself , you don't need to bother yourself " Shehnaz stuttered, she clumsily fastened her seatbelt don't bothering herself to look at her right side to avoid the gaze of the person sitting on her right side.

Sidharth chuckled at her clumsiness and geered up his car after turning on the ignition soon they were on the main road competing with the other cars.

" Where are we going??" Shehnaz finally asked after seating silently for almost ten minutes don't blame her afterall she couldn't control herself from speaking. Everyone knows she is a talkative person who needs someone to talk with.

" You will know soon so just waite patiently" sidharth replied as his focus was completely on the road. A scoff left Shehnaz mouth after hearing it , " Huhh waite".

Sidharth was enjoying Shehnaaz's expressions, one minute her  face was sad, then it turned angry and soon her face turned happy after seeing a cute puppy on the road when their car stopped at the signal.

Sidharth pulled his car in the parking lot after reaching their destination. Shehnaz eyes widened after seeing the beauty of the exterior of the restaurant.

" Let's go " Shehnaz followed after sidharth inside the restaurant. The restaurant was big and luxurious. A huge chandelier made of glass was hanging from the ceiling and adding to the beauty of the already beautiful restaurant. Shehnaaz looked at sidharth who was telling something to waitress and then the waitress answered him with a big smile.

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