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Part - 35
She was amused when she doesn't feel any pain of getting hit but why didn't she felt any pain when she heard the voice of rode hitting someone.

She opened her eyes and saw sidharth was hovering over her. She thought that he got hit for her but she doesn't saw him wincing in pain instead he himself was in shock.

She moved further and saw suhana sitting on the ground. Her head lowered and hands over her head and blood was oozing out from her head. She was whimpering in pain. Her moist eyes were showing in how much pain she was in? and suddenly she faint down on the ground. Sidharth run toward her and took her into his embrace.

Those men already run from there when they saw  blood. They got scared and run from there to save themselves from getting in Problem.

" Suhana , suhana please get up baby , open your eyes" sidharth cried out , he was gently tapping her cheeks to get her up. 

" Shehnaz, shehnaaazz" she Snapped out from shock when she heard sidharth calling her name. She saw him embracing suhana on his chest. His condition was so vulnerable. Only tears were missing in his eyes , otherwise his condition was very bad.

" Shehnaz call for ambulance or anything ,  we have to take her to the hospital." Sidharth yelled.

She took out her phone from his jeans pocket with her trembling hands and dialled emergency number.

Shehnaz told them about suhana condition and location with stuttering voice. She was very scared. After a few minutes ambulance reached there and take suhana to the hospital. Sidharth and shehnaz also went along with suhana.
Shehnaz was sitting in the waiting area. She was still in shock. She was praying to God to save suhana. If something happens to her, she won't be able to forgive herself. She was tormenting herself for everything. If she hadn't fought with those men than all this wouldn't have happened.

" It's all my mistake , it's all because of me , I'm the reason of sidharth pain."  These lines was echoing in her mind.

" Suhana and sidharth love each other and here I'm who always comes in between them. Because of your selfishness suhana was suffering. You are the reason of sidharth pain. Because of your stupid feelings he was in pain. " Shehnaz cursed herself , she was angry on herself. She doesn't even feeling the pain of her nails digging in her own skin in anger. This incident hit her to the core that she wasn't even thinking straight and taking all the blame on herself. This is not her fault but still she was feeling guilty. She was feeling guilty for having feelings for her bestfriend.  But still she can't stop herself to feel for him. She doesn't have this courage inside herself to stop her heart to beat for sidharth. She tried to surpass her feelings but still her feelings resurfaced for him and right now her feelings become suffering for everyone. She wants to stop this suffering , she wanted to free herself from this pain and for this she decided to leave everything and everyone behind. She decided that she will leave sidharth and went to her home , Canada where her parents live. After thinking so much she finally took this decision. This is the only way left for her to save herself and everyone from this misery because she can't stop herself to feel for him but she can stop herself to come in between them. She will leave them for good.
Shehnaz Snapped out from her thinking when doctor called them. Doctor informed them that suhana condition is stable now and she was out of danger. She got stitches on her head where she got hit by rode. She was  resting now. Shehnaz took a sigh of relief after hearing it.

" Can I meet her doctor ?" Sidharth asked him.

" Yes but don't distrub her rest " doctor went from there after informing them.
Sidharth immediately went towards suhana's room without waiting for shehnaz. Sidharth steps halt when he saw suhana condition. She was laying on the bed with her head bandaged. He feels shameful and guilty because he was not able to save her on time. This is all his fault. She was laying on the bed because of him. He steadily went near her and sit on the stool which was kept near the bed. he took her hand in his hand and started caressing it.

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