Chapter 9

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The next morning, Chiron moved Ash and I to cabin three. We had plenty of room for our stuff. We get our own table, pick our activities, and call "lights out." We absolutely hated it. Right when we were standing to feel accepted, we started to feel accepted, and like normal kids, we were separated out as if we had some rare disease.

They steered clear of us as much as possible. Cabin eleven was too nervous to have with me after what happened to some of the Ares kids in the woods. Ash was in a situation with cabin seven. So I had one-on-one with Luke and Ash with Chorin. They pushed us harder. Annabeth still taught us Greek in the mornings, but she seemed distracted. Clarisse and Mason looked like they wanted to kill us.

We found a mortal newspaper about my mom missing in a freak car accident. I wadded up the newspaper and threw it away. Ash looked at me and asked, "Lights out?" I nodded and lay down and closed my eyes. I then had my worst bream yet.
I was on the beach with a city behind me, and about a hundred yards away, two men were fighting.

They looked like TV wrestlers, both wearing Greek tunics, one trimmed with blue the other with green. Every time they made contact, the lighting flashed, the sky grew darker, and the wind rose. I tried to stop them, but the wind blew me back. The ground shook, and laughter came from somewhere under the earth. The voice was deep and evil. The ground split beneath me, and I fell.

I woke up and looked around. I was still in cabin three. Grover came and told us Mr.D wanted to see us. I was half expecting a summons to the Big House. The other gods were most likely coming up with the best way to punish me. Since my birth was a crime. Ash, I wasn't sure about it.

The sky above Long Island Sound was dark and stormy. Grover told us bad weather always passes around us. I wasn't so sure. We walked up to the front porch of the Big House. Mr.D sat at the pinochle table, and Chiron sat across the table in his wheelchair.

There were two other people, one was Mason and the other one was invisible. I could see a thin outline of them. Chiron told us to sit. He asked us what we thought of the hellhound. Percy told him that it scared him. Chiron told him we'll meet worse before we're done.
"Done with what?" I was confused. He asked if we would accept it. Percy, of course, had to ask if Poseidon and Zeus were fighting over something valuable that was stolen. Which made it since the sea and sky look like they are fighting. Chiron asked how he knew.

Percy then said something about the weather that has been weird since Christmas. Turns out the two gods were fighting about who stole Zeus's master bolt. Apparently thunder head thought Poseidon had Percy steal it. Which didn't make sense because he hasn't been to the Olympics before. How I'm involved is beyond me. Percy pulled the cord. The door swung down, and a wooden ladder clattered into place. We climbed up and into the attic.

It was filled with Greek hero junk. The back window on a wooden tripod stool was a mummy. Just looking at her freaked me out. The weird thing was I could since some type of magic surrounded her.

A green mist poured out her mouth, coiling over the floor in thick tendrils hissing like snakes. They heard a voice in their heads. I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer, or the mighty Python. Approach seeker, and ask. The two wanted to leave, but Percy forced himself to take a deep breath. He then asked, "What is our destiny?" The Mist swirled more thickly collecting right in front of them. She then said:
You shall go west and face the god who has turned
You shall find what was stolen and see it returned safely
You shall be betrayed by one you call a friend
And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end

They wanted to know more but decided to go back downstairs. Ash told Chiorn what the prophecy was except the part where we would be betrayed by a friend. Chiron told us the Oracle's words could have double meanings. They discussed the provicey and how Hades could be responsible. They then decided who would go on the quest. It would be Percy,Ash,Grover, and Mason.

"This could be dangerous. No more than three demigods have ever gone on the same quest." Chiron said uncertainty, but they persisted. It was what Annabeth and Mason had been waiting for. Grover gets another chance, and Percy could prove he is innocent. Ash wasn't sure. Chiron told them to get what they needed. They would be taken as far as the bus terminal in Manhattan after that on their own.

Ash stayed behind. "Chiron, can I ask you a question?" Ash was a little nervous.
"Sure."said Chiron.
"What part do I play in this? I mean, since I'm the son of Hecate?"
"I am not sure, my child."
Ash walked off a little disappointed. He will have to wait and see.

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