Chapter 36

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Madina's POV
I woke up to some whispers around me. Sleep has been my companion ever since I was admitted to this hospital.

I can not wait to be discharged I am tired and this Intravenous infusions and medications are so painful and intolerable for me.

The moment I open my eyes, I saw a very heart warming scene.

Aisha was sitting on Abubakar's laps and whispering something to him. It seemed like they were having a conversation.

Abubakar sure loves her so much and she loves him to. Everytime he is around, she forgets about me. She loves attention and he gives her all the attention he has to give.

I wonder if that is how it will be in some years if only I was.notnsonreckless.that I had a miscarriage. That thoughts brings tears to the my eyes and I tried hard to blink it away.

After some time, I controlled my self and got rid of the tears.

After watching them for some time, I decided to interrupt them.

"Aisha." I called out, smiling it's been long I saw her. She has been busy with school. Yes, my baby is now a creche babe. I can't wait to get out of this hospital so I can doll her up for school.

"Aunty, you are awake. Do you know that the police were here?" She ranted. Oh, I forget to tell you that the girl is a talkative and can not keep any secret.

"The police?" I asked looking at Abubakar who looked everywhere but not at me.

"Yes, Aunty..." before she could say another thing, Abubakar cut her off.

" Okay pretty, why don't you go to mommy and ask her for the gift I bought for you on my trip?" He said and she ran off immediately. She loves gifts so much.

" Why were the police here?" I asked him immediately she left the room.

" They were her to ask me some questions and inform me that Hayat has been arrested. Also there will be a court hearing on his case as he is a wanted criminal. The police have also arrested those servants that works for him in our home. So they told me not to worry as everything will be cleared up
" He explained.

At that moment, I felt so relieved. So relieved that I don't have to be scared of anything.

"Okay. Which trip were you talking about?" I asked curious about the trip he went to without my knowledge.

" Oh that, I had to lie to her that I went on a trip and that was why I was not around for a while. Also do you know that Mariya was killed by the same man that kidnapped me?" He asked.

"What? Innalillahi Wa Inna Ilaihirajun Un. How did that happened?" I asked shock.

" Mariya was his informant about our movements. So after kidnapping me, he felt she was of no use again. He shot her in front of me. It was so sad though." He said.

" May her soul rest in peace." I said shocked.

I never thought she would do something like that but that's all in the past.

Even do she doesn't like me and tried to get between me andy husband, I still didn't enjoy the news of her dead. May her soul rest in peace.

I have forgiven her and I hope that man gets what he deserves. It's so wicked of him to do this to her.

" Baby, what are you thinking about?" Abubakar asked me.

"Nothing. Abubakar can you please forgive me for everything I have done to you. I am so sorry." I said with tears rolling down my face.

" Hey, stop crying okay? You have done nothing wrong to me. All what you did in the past was not your fault. You were heart broken. And that still change the fact that I LOVE YOU. You will always be the woman I will make my family with. So now shhhh." He said in his soothing voice.

" I LOVE YOU TOO." I said back.

"Wait, what? What did you say? Is my ear faulty or something?" He said looking at me in shock.

"Yes, I love you so much. I was just so stupid to not recognize the feelings I have for you. And my stupidity almost cause you your life. Only if I didn't make you get a second wife, Hayat will never get to know every little information about us. Now we have lost our unborn baby." I said in tears.

"Why are you saying? See look at me," He said and made me look at him.

"You were never bad okay? You were just broken but not broken beyond repair. I will make sure I make you happy till the end of our story. I don't want to see you cry . I don't want to see your tears at all. God that gave us this baby took him away and I know it is for the best. He is never wrong. This is a test from him and all I want from you is to be strong. I didn't want to hear you blaming yourself ever again. You are more than this. You are stronger than this. You are one of the strongest women I know. Do not balme you self ever again. Do you get me?" He finished with a question.

"Yes I am strong and it was not my fault." I said looking at him as his eyes held mind.

He is truly my true love and I feel a connection with him more than I felt with Malik.


It is true that God knows the best for his servants and I hope and pray that he continues to guide me and my family towards the right path.

Indeed, God is the most High and the Most Merciful.

THE END???????

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