The Three Magicians - Unexpected Reunion (Part 1)

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Ever since Marisa left her family to live on her own, she became a free spirit. A boisterous, energetic (albeit obnoxious) girl ready to take on the world.

Although, she was extremely young and naive when she did that. Her own inexperience led her to mingle and follow some... unsavory characters in the history of Gensokyo. To the point of putting her at odds with Reimu Hakurei.

But everlasting friendships are often forged through fist fights (or danmaku fights, maybe), and even though Reimu bested her, they remained inseparable. They still bicker and argue a lot, but the fondness between them is notable to almost everyone.

Following Reimu and helping her on her duties as a shrine maiden, Marisa came across with two particular characters in Gensokyo that made her feel comfortable, understood even (after beating them, that is).

One of those people was the recluse witch called Patchouli Knowledge, the resident librarian of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. One would think their personalities wouldn't allow them to get along, but Marisa's brightness was strong enough to pierce through the witch's gloomy and dull demeanor. That doesn't mean Patchouli isn't annoyed by Marisa's sticky fingers though.

The other character was the puppeteer called Alice Margatroid, a loner magician from the west. They were against each other on several occasions through the years, but eventually, they developed a friendship after constant battles (and even more bickering). Both of them live in the Forest of Magic, making them practically neighbors, and as such, it isn't unusual to see them together.

One normal day, while strolling through the forest together, Alice told Marisa about something really unusual.

Marisa: "Hah? Are you serious? Patchouli asked you to hold a tea party in your house? Hahaha! Yeah, right. That's a good one!"

Alice: "Stop being so mean. Her request caught me by surprise, but it is a pleasant one, nonetheless."

Marisa: "Are you sure it wasn't that stupid tanuki pulling a fast one on you? I find it hard to believe that the unmoving librarian is finally moving!'

Alice pouts, intensely staring at Marisa's eyes.

Marisa: "Okay, okay, I'll back down a bit. What's the occasion, though? She rarely leaves her basement, and when she does, she's usually accompanied by that Scarlet brat. Don't tell me you're going to let a vampire inside your house, that's a bad omen."

Alice: "There you go again, jumping into conclusions. No, she's coming alone, but she also asked me to invite you to the party as well."

Marisa scratches her head. She knows Patchouli has a bone to pick with her. She took so many books from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, that her house could act as an independent branch from Patchouli's library. Before she could make an excuse to not participate in the party, Alice interjected. The puppeteer already knew about Marisa's tendencies to 'borrow' stuff, and how she focused the librarian the most.

Alice: "And I hope you come. You owe it to Patchouli."

Marisa: "Jeez, alright, alright... I guess I can return to her some of her books. I better put my ears into ice, though. I can already hear her giving me an earful of a lifetime. I'm not a big fan of getting scolded while eating a snack, you know?"

Alice pinches Marisa's cheek, annoyed at her uncaring behavior.

Alice: "You wouldn't have a problem like this if you knew how to keep your hands to yourself! You never took anything from me. You should keep that level of self restraint around her too."

Marisa: "Ow, ow, ow! Mahbeh I shul take stufh frum you to- Ow, ow! Stoph!"

Alice scolded Marisa a bit more before releasing her.

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