Episode 1

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Su Zai Zai Pov:

I was in the store buying Banana milk and saw it was raining, I stand on the side of outside waiting for it to stop raining, when I saw a Handsome guy walking in the rain. He looks like he's gonna go inside the store.

I turned around and spoke to myself. "Why is he walking in the rain, he is supposed to run. Idiot." I talked to myself. And I turned around and saw him, we made eye contact but he broke it. He went inside while I watched him and I quickly looked away when He came back. He was standing beside me. I looked at him like a minute and he looked at me and I quickly turned away.

And then he left.

The next day

I woke up from my annoying but sweet sister Miaoyi waking me up.

"Zai Zai! Wake up! Let's go to school , we are gonna be latee!" She said and I quickly got up and got ready.

Time skip

Author Pov:

Su Zai Zai And su miaoyi had arrived at Jiang jia's home, waiting outside of her house.

Jia had arrived outside "hey guys! My mom gave you strawberry milk" She handed them the milk

"Oh thank you!" Miaoyi said

"Okay come on, let's go!" Zai Said.

And they got on there bikes. While talking

"Have you heard the two freshmans?" Jia said

"No.." Miaoyi and Zai Said

"Oh, So Both names are, Zhang Lurang, Gu ran!" Jia said

"They are both smart, and always have good grades, and are popular." Jia said while her eyes focused on riding.

Both Zai Zai and Miaoyi nodded, as Jia continued to talk.

Time skip

At school

"What's your name and class?" The student Council said. The three girls were too scared to speak..

"What's your name! I'm not gonna ask again."

"S-Su Zai Zai..." Zai Said

"And you?" She looked at Miaoyi

"Su miaoyi."

"And you?" He looked at Jia

"Jiang Jia.." She said looking at the ground.

"What Class?" The student council asked

"Class 9. Grade 10th." Miaoyi said

"I'm in the same class." Jia said "me too!" Zai said

"Okay.." The student council started to write the names and the class in the notebook. But stopped.

There was a guy who slowly walked in the school gates.

"Hey you! Get over here!"

The guy walked over, carrying books in his arms.

"What's your name?" Student council said

"Hey come on-" the guy said, but the student council grabbed one of his books

"Won't tell us your name? Okay." She said and opened the book with the name Zhang Lurang

"Your Zhang Lurang? Okay" he started to write his name on the notebook.

While they were talking, The girls, whispered

"Hey, Zhang Lurang, the guy we talked about" Jia whispered

And Zai Zai miaoyi nodded.

"What's your class?" The student council asked


"Class 9? Okay. " she nodded, and looked at the girls "what are you waiting for? Go!"

And they ran inside the school. While 'Zhang Lurang' walked behind them.

End of Episode 1

Word count: 520

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