Episode 7

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End of Flashbacks

Everyone had arrived at the military training, and Was Standing in lines of each class.

"You guys are in military training, Call me, Mr.Fang, you  guys must listen to me, and do everything I say, am I right?" Mr.fang said

"Yesss" every class said

"I don't hear you!" Mr.fang said


"that's more like it." Mr.fan nodded "here are the rules, No Foods in the rooms, No phones, tablets,Electronics."

Miaoyi sighed and Jia also sighed too..

"We should bring some food" Jia said

"But-" miaoyi was cut off

"No TALKING! No moving. everyone may take out the things there not supposed to have." Mr.fang yelled

But Jia didn't listen and Took a lot of snacks in her Pockets, And even inside her shirt.

Meanwhile with Zai Zai, and miaoyi, Zai Zai just secretly kept looking at Zhang Lurang (which is gu ran) and immediately looked away, and Miaoyi just Behaved nicely.

Guan Fang secretly took some snacks, He took a phone in one of his Secret hiding space, and a small snack in his pocket.

"Wow, your good at hiding things aren't ya?" Gu ran said from behind and Guan Fang looked at him and nodded.

Zai Zai decided to also took some snacks but she saw Lurang looking at her..

"Zai Zai! Hurry up!" Jia said

"Shh jiang Jia" miaoyi said..

"I think we should be independent.." Zai Zai said, and dropped the snacks on the ground.

Jia put one last snack in her shirt but someone stopped her.

"That girl, What do you have." Mr.fan said

And Jia immediately stood still

"Nothing sir!" She said

"Take them out." Mr.fang said.

And Jia had to listen, so she Removed the snacks in her Pockets. "No more sir.."

"What's that in your shirt?" Mr.fang asked

"Uhh... My fat" Jia said awkwardly.

"Put your arms up, and jump three times." He said

Jia slowly put her arms up and jumped slowly.

"Jump harder!" Mr.fang said

And she jumped harder and the snacks Came out of her Shirt.

"They were gonna be my fat sooner or later.." Jia said while looking away.

"50 frog jumps, now!" Mr.fang said, and she was about to speak but he cut her off.

Gu ran who was watching from afar giggled "she's funny."

"What's funny?" Mr.fang asked "and stand nicely."

Gu ran immediately standed nicely "nothing sir!!"

"What were you giggling of then?"

"My face was twitching mr.fang!"

"Do 50 frog jumps with her." Mr.fang said


"If you dawdle Do 20 more." Mr.fang said and walked away.

With Gu Ran And Jiang Jia

They were doing frog jumps on the court, and also talked.

"You said you were in Class 9,and you lied" Jia said

"I never said I was in Class 9!" Gu ran said

"Pft. I'm not gonna argue with you." Jia said

"Why are you jumping so hardly?" Gu ran asked

"Is none of your business"

"Gonna keep Talking until is Night?" Mr.fang yelled

"The one Finishes last has to clean the playground." Mr.fang yelled

Jia sighed "why is mr.fang so-" she turned to gu ran but he wasn't there and she looked in front, and saw him jumping faster then her, and she pointed at him.

"Ohh you liar!!" She yelled and started to jump


End of episode 7

Word count: 556

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