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"Haha. hic."

The rambunctious brunette grasps my right forearm and uses it to drag me to the sleeping fucking beauty. "Stone, you're so light... can't blame you though."

"We've - hic b-been eating roasted shoes for hic dinner. Dumbass."

"Eh, not worse. Those Sneakers laces were full of flavor. Y'know, veeeeeeeeery crunchy on the outside and goe-"

"Please, shut up."

My words made Vinnie frown—not for long. The idiot's smiling at me now. "I have a really really rad scam plan today. Too bad you don't want to hear it, how lame."

A stern look etches on my face. I can feel my eyebrows furrowing. My eyes try not to twitch. I keep my thoughts in heart, my mouth shut. Without a hassle, she pushes me to the empty spot on the flat makeshift bed laying amongst the dirt. She trails off laughing like an old lunatic as she skips her way out. Scammer.


Ou- shit !
A ringing sensation went ablaze in my head for a momemt, I use both my cold hands to cover my ears in attempt to blur out the agonizing noise; hopefully subtracting the pain. Yet it grew worse.
Assumed It was because of the drinking, I guess? I feel like exploding.

The ringing went on for 'bout three minutes. I look like a little child that's afraid of the thunder's roars. Of course it was the drinking.

Finally, it stops. That was beyond awful. I was soothed by the faint greeting of his slow breathing, the resting boy next to me was facing away, clinging to a scrapped pillow. I threw a long sigh then waited for him to wake up. To see the daylight, though the sun is covered with the mist of clouds. They aren't dull, they are in a warm, ochre tone. Lovely sky.
Besides, the sun is always beautiful no matter what.

One minute, he's still sleeping.
Two minutes, asleep.
Four minutes, Skipp please wake up.
Six minutes, he moves violently, now he's facing me. Sleeping.
Seven minutes, his eyes gradually flutter open, gently rubbing them after. He looks so energized already.

"Hi." I greet quietly. I receive a quick yawn in return, a face of relaxation. He looks around for a bit while stretching his limbs before talking.
"... Hi"
"Tired much ?"
"Intoxicated much ?" He observes my eyes. "Stone, your eyes are red."
I forgot how drunk I am. How drunk I look, rather. "Eh, happens way too often, it'll just go away."
He's concerned. He places his palm against my forehead to check my temperature. "Gosh Stone, you're cold." He pulls his hand away instantly.
"It's either my hand is somewhat overreacting or you're cold. Didn't I tell you to cut out drinking ? Its awful, Stone. Don't sleep by the way. Your blood alcohol level will rapidly increase and will cost you your life." He utters his warnings as he positions me in a form I could feel a grasp of rest.

"Hm. Let me guess, you spent the whole night drinking again, yeah ?"
I can feel his fingers brush my hair, softly interlocking with it.
"Y-yeah. Sorry. I feel empty without consuming alcohol."
"Y'know what, suit yourself Stone." His fingers were still lingering amidst my hair, forming slight knots then untangling them. "To be honest, It wouldn't be 'Stone' if you stopped drinking or smoking. Just... don't overuse them."
"Deal." I cough out.
"How about you drink only on weekends?"


"Uh, that's hard but I'll try for you."
"Great ! I bet you'll feel much relieved. Anyhow, where's Vinnie at ?"
"I honestly have no idea and I don't care." Actually I do care. She could be in danger.
Whatever, she's always in danger anyways. She's Vinnie.
"Welp, I just hope she'd make it alive once evening strucks." Skipp stops caressing my hair, he just let his hand rest. Still on my hair. "Right, you're still intoxicated, you need to eat something." With words as simple as that, he stands up and leaves me all alone to get myself something to digest.

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