Chapter 6: Symptoms

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If there was any doubt of Autumn being pregnant, the morning sickness that smacked her straight in the face this morning chased them away. Gripping the toilet, she groaned as she rested her head against the toilet lid. If just the smell of eggs alone is enough to make me sick, I don't know how I'll survive the family dinner.

With a push up, she made her way into the kitchen and grabbed some ginger ale from the fridge. Taking a small sip, the ginger was already settling her stomach. She swallowed. Both her mother and her sister had kids. They experienced the symptoms first hand so would they be able to tell?

With another sip, she closed her eyes. She would have to play her cards just right at this dinner. They couldn't know.

With that thought, the family dinner came much faster than Autumn would have liked. Arriving on time, she entered the living room with her attempt at cinnamon rolls. "Hey Brian." He was sitting in the living room chair with the twins at his feet. They were playing with a mini lego kit and looked up at the sight of her. At their smiles, she felt her own softened. Soon, that'll be me.

She fought the urge to rub her belly. "Is Willow in the kitchen?"

"Pretty much. She's making a new dish that she wanted to share with everyone." A new dish huh? She was excited to see it. "I'll go drop my cinnamon rolls off and go say hi." Entering into the kitchen, she approached her sister. "Brian said you're trying a new dish for us."

"Yep, I saw it yesterday and thought you guys might like it."

Autumn stared at her deadpanned. "So we're your guinea pigs?"

Heather smiled with a mischievous smile. "Pretty much." She held the spoon of sauce over her hand. "Here, try this." With a hesitant glance, Autumn leaned forward to sample the sauce. As soon as the smell hit her nose however, she found herself violently swirling away, dry heaving into the air.

Covering her nose, Autumn shook her head. "Oh, no, what is that?"

"It's a béarnaise sauce." Her sister frowned. "It's just egg yolk, vinegar, and-"

"And you're feeling that to us?" Autumn fought the urge to gag again. I need to get out of here. "Excuse me, I think my phone is ringing." It was a lame excuse but she couldn't think of anything better when her stomach was threatening to revolt right then and there. Escaping into the living room, she took a few deep breaths of the nice, clean egg free air in there.

A knock snapped her gaze to the door before Heather and Kyle stepped through the door. "We're here!" She lifted the bag. "And we brought gifts for the twins."

"Presents!" The twin cried as Kyle grabbed the bag from her. As he handed the twins their new fire trucks, Heather gave Autumn a hip bump before she leaned in to whisper. "And soon I'll have one more niece or nephew to spoil."

"Shh," Autumn shushed back before rolling her eyes at her sister's growing smile. However, a strong smell soon filled her nose, leaving her gagging on the strength alone. Covering her nose, she stepped back and sprinted into the hallway.

Closing her eyes, she leaned against the hallway walls. Ugh. This was going to be a long family dinner.

"Hey are you ok?"

She pointed at Kyle. "You, stay back. I swear your cologne or something is too strong!" Kyle's eyes widened before he took a sniff of his shirt. "I didn't put any cologne on." He met Heather's gaze. "Did you switch out the detergent again?"

Heather grimace. "Ah, yes, I did. That's probably what she's smelling."

"Well it's too strong."

"I only added a cup."

"Well, I have a bloodhound nose now!" Autumn countered, rubbing fiercely at her nose. "I don't know how I'm going to survive. Willow is making this fancy egg sauce and I can't stand the smell."

"Oh, actually." Heather held up a finger. "Vapor rub under the nose works wonders. Hold on," she disappeared and came back with a jar. "Here."

Autumn grabbed the container with relief.

"I had to work with some really strong dyes for this fashion contest and I was coming home with headaches. Gian actually taught me this since his father worked as a trauma nurse."

Really? She dabbed the stuff under her nose. "I didn't know that." He didn't mention that on the donor profile.

"Well, I guess he doesn't share everything with complete strangers." Feeling a strange sense of relief, she handed the rub back to her sister. "Thanks."

Looks like there is still more she needs to learn about her donor.

Thankfully, as they settled down around the table, the vapor rub was working really well. Grabbing a handful of salad, she dumped it onto her plate along with some chicken.

Willow pouted. "You're not going to try my new sauce?"

"No, I quite like to keep my lunch down." As she stabbed a forkful of salad, the back door swung open. "Ah, I see you guys have already started." Her mother stepped into the room. "Sorry for being late. I just wanted to make sure I get these tomatoes out of the garden before they get eaten."

With a hand wash later, she joined them at the table. "So how's the wedding coming along?"

"Pretty well." Heather smiled. "Autumn and Gian have a basic idea of what they wanted to throw and I already gave them some venues to start looking at." She smiled at her. "I knew the two of them would get along."

"And this Gian fellow? Is he single?"

And it was so peaceful. "Don't start mom," Autumn groaned. Please anyone but her donor.

"What? I'm just saying. If you're single and he's single then why not go for it. After all, I clearly didn't pick this one out."

"Mom!" Autumn snapped. She wasn't thinking about men now, especially with a baby on the way. "I'm not going to date Gian or any guys for a while!"

"And why us that? You know one of my friends always has all her daughters married and with grandchildren? You said you don't want me to pick out your guys and yet here we are with you being brought together! And yet you're being too stubborn to see it!"

Autumn slammed her hand against the table. "I'm not dating Gian!" Anger burned in her chest, bringing tears of frustration to her eyes. "I don't want to date anyone right now. Why can't you accept that?" As a sob escaped, Autumn pushed her hands against her eyes. The tears were like leaky faucets that she couldn't turn off.

Stupid hormones.

"Mom, look at what you did!" Heather scowled. "You need to apologize right now!"

"I was just telling the truth."

"And you did it in a horrible way! Why can't you accept that Autumn doesn't want someone right now and move on? You have Willow's children and my wedding. You shouldn't put this pressure on her!"

Sniffing, Autumn felt her love for her sister triple. "It's alright, Heather. Thanks but it's just been a stressful week."

"Mom, you were a little much." Willow countered. "Maybe tone it back a bit." Her mother stiffened, clearly not pleased to have both of her daughters admit that she was wrong. "Fine, I'm sorry for wanting the best for my daughter."

Heather's frown deepened. "That's not-"

"Thank you mother." Willow cut her off, giving Heather a leave it glare. "Now can we please drop the subject?" The subject may have been dropped, but the tension was still hanging over the air like a weight.

And it didn't seem to be going away any time soon.

"I should be going," Autumn grabbed her purse. After all, it's my fault.

"Autumn, wait." Willow spoke up. "Don't go."

"No, no, it's fine. It's been a stressful week ok? I should head home and relax for a bit." She grabbed her plate. "I'm sorry I didn't try your sauce Willow and I'm sorry for being a mess." She headed into the kitchen to clean her plate before she headed out.

She would just have to learn to control her hormones better.

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