Jake x nick fluff

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(A/N: A movie night!)

Nick's pov:

Jake and I were on the couch, not doing much.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure!" I say.

He starts looking for a movie while I get some snacks. I got popcorn, some drinks and some m&ms.

"I got the snacks, love." I say. "I picked out a movie. It's a horror movie, though, so I hope you don't mind." He says.

"It's fine, I don't mind it! Now let's watch it." I say, trying not to sound scared. "Okay." He says as he turns on the movie.

After about 30 minutes, there's a jumpscare. I jump up a little."Oh my God." I say. "Are you okay, dear?" Jake asks. "Yeah, yeah, I just didn't see it coming." I say.

We continue watching, and I start g clinging onto Jake a lot. "Oh bloody hell." I say. "We can turn it off, you know?" He says. "Please do." I say, trying to calm myself down.

Jake holds me tight. "Don't be scared. We could watch another movie if you'd like." He says.

"No, I've had enough." I say.

"Alright, how about we just lay down and cuddle for a bit?" He asks. "Sure, I'd prefer that." I say.


I'm sorry that it's so short!! </3
This was requested by HyperCartoonFan20.

- Sander, 220 words.

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