karolill smut

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(A/n: I've not written wlw smut before, so I hope it's good! </3 (Top lill, bottom karol, btw))

Lill's pov:

It was a Thursday afternoon. My wife, Karol, and I are sitting down in the kitchen. She just got home from work. She's a veterinarian.

"Hey darling, how was work?" I ask her. "Oh, it was fine, I'm just exhausted." She says. "But it's fine, I love doing what I do." She continues.

"I know you do." I kiss her, grabbing her by her waist. The kiss turns heated. "How about we take this to bed?" I say, Karol blushing in response. We walk upstairs.

She lays down, and I lay on top of her. We usually switch, but I topped this time. I started kissing her again.

Not soon after, we're both unclothed. "You look so good like this." I say, slowly going down her pussy.

I start eating her out. She moans in response. I slowly start using my fingers to tease her. "Stop just~"

"What's up dear?" I ask? "Use ur fingers, please.~" she says. I take her order and start fingering her.

Panting could be heard in the room. "You're so cute, looking like that." I say.

"I'm close." She says. I start going a little faster. "Fuck, Lill." She curses.

Not long after, she comes with a loud moan. "Fuck." She says.

"You did so good, darling." I say. "I'm gonna take a shower." Karol says.

"Sure, I'll get started in dinner soon." I say. We share a kiss. "I love you so much."
"I love you too."


I hope it's written well.😭

This is requested by: underwateraqua

- Sander, 279 words.

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