Chapter 41.1 Meow

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Chapter 41 Meow

Wen Xingze: "Wait, what did you just say???"

The CEO then repeated: "Isn't this the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?"

Seeing Wen Xingze's dull expression, the CEO continued to explain excitedly: "Mr. Wen, I am relatively experienced in this. I have watched hundreds of episodes of "The Mother-in-Law Is Here", "Mother's Story", and "Weak Wife and Spicy Mom". I will definitely be able to teach you something -"

Wen Xingze: "... Okay, no need to continue, thank you."

He began to regret asking that question a few seconds ago, especially with the CEO's narration, a picture emerged in Wen Xingze's mind:

Wen Xingze, the social worker, had just gotten off work. , Chi Yan, wearing a house cook's apron, walked out of the kitchen with a cold face, while a series of evil mothers-in-law such as Lilith, Astor, Rachel, and Elder You were making things difficult for him, and then both sides asked him sharply, 'When your mother and your boyfriend fall into the water together, who will you save first?'...

Wen Xingze was so shocked by this scene that he trembled and tried to expel it from his mind.

The CEO still wanted to continue speaking enthusiastically, but seeing Wen Xingze's resolute attitude, he could only shake his head sadly and stop talking.

An hour later, on the top floor of Minghua Apartment.

Chi's butler's work efficiency is very high. The butler and chef here do not live at home, and will leave after work for the day.

Chi Yan returned home later than Wen Xingze. When Wen Xingze arrived, the servants had already packed all Wen Xingze's luggage, but Chi Yan had not returned yet.

When he was studying acting with Chi Yan, Wen Xingze used to come here every day for a week and was quite familiar with it. But when he walked in as a 'guest' for the first time, he always felt that there was something different here... something was wrong. It’s obviously different!

The entire room is still in an industrial style with mainly gray and black colors, the furniture is extremely simple, and the second-floor floor-to-ceiling windows are used.

But among the pile of clocks collected by Chi Yan, there was a Spongebob cartoon watch mixed in, and Wen Xingze’s things had been placed everywhere:

the doll pillows given to him by his parents were piled all over the sofa, and placed beside the floor-to-ceiling windows. There is a model of the Genting Palace given by the Dragon Clan, as well as his jump comic magazine, his collection of Chi Yan posters, and movie ticket stubs over the years.

It greatly conflicts with the original design style of this house, as if a pair of Crayon Shin-chan were mixed into a post-modern abstract art exhibition.

Wen Xingze: "..."

When Wen Xingze walked around the living room, the chef just brought out the last dish and waited nearby. Wen Xingze looked at him for a moment and realized that the chef was waiting for him to confirm that the dinner was correct before leaving get off work.

Wen Xingze thought for a while, looked at the name tag on the chef's chest and said, "Okay, thank you, Mr. Zhang, you can get off work."

The chef was in his thirties and had been a chef for the Chi family for eight years. It was the first time he was called 'Mr. Zhang'.

Chi Yan had always nodded indifferently before.

The chef was almost moved to tears and said, "You're welcome, Master Wen. Goodbye."

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