Chapter 80.2 Meow Meow Meow

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"...How should I repay you?" Wen Xingze was lying on the bed. This was a small wooden house specially built to treat foreigners in distress. The wooden house was surrounded both inside and outside by people from the Feather tribe wearing white sacrificial robes with silver hair and silver eyes. "Thank you for saving me. Herbs are also very expensive, right?"

The leader of the Feather Clan smiled gently. He wiped Wen Xingze's forehead with a hot towel and said,

"Mr. Wen , don’t worry?, we are very rich.”

Wen Xingze: “…”

How touching.

"If you really feel sorry for yourself, lend us your map," the Feather Clan priest handed the hot milk to Wen Xingze, his silver eyelashes lowered, and said, "We want to take a look the outside world."

The Feather clan will not be able to leave Sky City for the rest of their lives. This city has special restrictions for them, and the 'outside world' is an absolutely forbidden topic... Moreover, their... Life is also short.

Only one year.

Each Feather tribe will experience rebirth, growth, and aging in this short year. When the year comes to an end, it will turn back into a snow-white egg, and Then usher in a new life, an endless reincarnation.

In a sense, this is the most perfect eternal life. The new life will inherit the knowledge of the old life, but the people who wake up every year are different souls.

Their short lives prevent them from being confused or questioning the injustice of gods.

These souls are born in groups and die in groups. The only meaning of their lives is to serve the gods. They don't even have their own names.

...After the priest said this, all the Feather clan fell silent.

"It won't take long, just lend it... for a month." The priest seemed to feel that borrowing someone else's things was very dishonorable and unholy, so he looked away with some embarrassment.

It is rare for travelers to fall into the Sky City from the gap in time and space, and even if they do, those people are wary of them: This is normal. In this universe, how can anyone give charity for no reason.

In the eyes of those travelers, the Feather clan is a hypocrite with ulterior motives.

The priest knew he shouldn't say this, but there was only one month left.

This year is coming to an end, one month, and one month to go, their lives will come to an end. And this world is so vast and beautiful, and miracles are happening in every corner all the time.

They have heard that there is Atlantis under the sea in the distance, there are rolling snow-capped mountains, there is a planet that sleeps forever in the night, there are lighthouses, there are underground cities... But they can never go to those places.

And they don't dare to ask for so much, just seeing it is enough.

Wen Xingze: "Of course."

Wen Xingze handed them the parchment map. The Feather tribesmen took the map nervously and even somewhat piously. Wen Xingze asked casually: "Have you never been outside? If you have time, I can tell you."

The whole room was silent again.

After a moment, many pairs of silver eyes were staring straight at Wen Xingze, and the look in their eyes made people feel a little scared.

Wen Xingze: "..."

Wen Xingze: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend. If you don't want to listen, even if you don't want to hear it -"

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