Chapter 79.1 Meow Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 79 Meow Meow Meow Meow

It rained heavily all night.

Wen Xingze returned to the house bought by Mermaid's parents in Los Angeles. It was a small three-story villa facing the sea. It had a wooden attic. When the weather was clear, the starry sky could be seen directly through the glass ceiling.

Wen Xingze didn't have time to appreciate it, so he took off his shoes and hurriedly sat down on the spot, opened his laptop and tablet, and took a whiteboard to write and draw.

——He sorted out all the things that happened in the past year and recorded them on a mind map according to the timeline. Among them, what concerned him the most was the 'hidden ending' that the Dragon Clan's parents once mentioned. .

The interface of "Desolation:The Awakening of the King" says that the reverse cub-raising function is offline because the normal ending is reached. The normal ending is easy to understand. It is what was originally said about "helping cubs change their destiny." What about the hidden ending?

This may be a key.

"And... God's Domain, thank you."

Wen Xingze wrote a few words on the whiteboard, then raised his head and thanked the butler.

The housekeeper of the Los Angeles residence smiled and shook his head. He poured hot milk for Wen Xingze, gave him a blanket and an emergency night light, and then went back to his room with the light on, not to disturb the young master again.

It was already late at night, and repairs were being carried out on the city's cables that had been interrupted by heavy rain. Wen Xingze was sitting in the dark attic, with the sound of rain pattering.

Wen Xingze turned his eyes back to the whiteboard, which already read:

[God's Domain] [Eight Race Filters] [Silver Bird].

This is the clue, or suspicion, that Wen Xingze can think of so far.

The hidden mission of "Zai Zai Raising Plan" is to light up the travel map. Before the system went offline, the only place on the travel map that was not lighted up was called "God's Domain".

"There is no place like this on Earth," Wen Xingze said to himself, "I can be sure that there is no parallel universe either."

When Wen Xingze was playing "Desolation: The Awakening of the King", one of his tasks was to expand the territory. He knows the map of the entire universe very well, and there is no area called 'God's Domain'.

Judging from the name, God's Domain, God's Domain... seems to have a great connection with some legendary 'gods' in the universe. But God has disappeared for many years.

'God is omnipotent, God embraces all things, God possesses eternal life and endless loneliness. Only the most holy green-tailed mermaids are qualified to sing hymns for God, and the Feather tribe is the messenger of God.'

'Whenever the passage between the human world and the divine world is opened, divine punishment will also come to the world.'

'Tens of thousands of years before the beginning of the Galaxy Era, after a divine punishment of a flood, God could not bear to see the world suffer as a result of the punishment, and personally cut off the world's path to the realm of God. But after the road was cut off, the world once again ushered in punishment...'

This is a passage Wen Xingze saw in the "Desolation" data card. Because it was a long time ago, the details may be blurred, but the overall meaning is this. At that time, he only thought it was a mysterious atmosphere that had no effect. Only then did he realize that every sentence might be true. God really exists.

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