04 - Potions Club

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The dreaded day had arrived.

It was a cruel coincidence really, that Potions club coincided with the first Hogsmeade trip of the year. Snape had probably planned it that way, Elodie thought bitterly as she buttoned up her top.

While everyone else was off frolicking with their friends, she was stuck inside, getting ready for something she wanted no part in. She hoped at least, she could get it over with quickly so she could meet with Darcy afterwards. She pictured her friend, lounging in Madam Puddifoot's with a steaming cup of tea. Meanwwhile she would be stuck with Snape and his dreary gang.

The club had taken a faceless shape in her mind, a black hole that thickened the more she thought about it, swirling with unknowns. She imagined it would be a few Slytherins, desperate to suck up to Snape and get in his good graces. Not exactly her ideal way to spend a Saturday.

Groaning, she dragged herself out of her deserted dorm. Being late was what got her in this mess in the first place; she wasn't keen to do it again.

The hallways were abandoned as she made her way to the potions classroom. Completely bereft of their usual bustle, the emptiness was eerie. Her footsteps echoed across the high ceilings in a foreboding chant, like the countdown of a clock.

As she turned the corner towards the class, she had almost convinced herself to turn around. She could leave, make up an excuse that she was ill the next time she saw Snape, and go and join Darcy. But the sound of incensed voices caught her attention.

Coming from the potions classroom, the voices were muffled but loud, forcing their way through the closed door in a way only anger could achieve. Curiosity forcing her forwards, nervousness fizzled through her as she moved towards it.

"-it's not your place."

The snarling words became clearer as she moved closer, real malice shining in their depths.

"It's what you have to do Draco."

A familiar chill shot through her as she caught sight of him through the thin sliver of window, his angry features warped in the glass. Professor Snape stood opposite him, his cool mask of indifference unchanging.

"I want her out."

"That's not going to happen. I have assigned her here."

Dread prickled her spine as she realised they were talking about her. She swallowed the heavy lump at her throat, her skin itching with anxiety.

"And what if I quit?"

"You can't quit. Shirking your duty will get you nowhere."

Elodie's face scrunched in a frown. Since when was a potions club so important? His parents must be even stricter than Darcy's if they were that bothered about his school record. A rare pang of sympathy tugged at her before she smothered it. She couldn't afford to feel sorry for Draco Malfoy. Not when he was a death eater.

"I can't-"

"Miss Potter," Snape's voice cracked through her like a whip, "Please stop lurking and come in."

Her face flaming, she pushed the door open quietly, keeping her eyes to the ground as she sheepishly stepped inside. How had he seen her? The window was so thin she could barely see inside, and his back had been towards her.

Already collecting his papers, Snape spoke. "I will leave you together; you should be acquainted. Miss Potter, listen to Mr Malfoy and for the love of god, do not touch anything of your own accord."

Her head reared back indignantly, but before she could rebuke he was out of the room, leaving the pair alone. For the first time, she looked over at Draco, who was already studying the shelves of ingredients as though she wasn't there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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