Chapter 1: How it all begun...

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????'s POV:

Why is everything so boring these days? My entertainment these days consists of watching the pigeons, fighting viciously for the last piece of my breakfast I had to sacrifice while sitting on a bench in the lively park, right in front of the theatre.

There were children, screaming, running around and having fun, while their parents didn't do their job to supervise them. Everyone was just living their day, so why can't I too?

Fate hates me.

It was 10 in the morning on a normal Saturday. I had nothing better to do than watch birds, looking around for food and silently begging for it.

I'm bored. Probably my most often said or thought thing ever. But that comes mostly on weekends.

Otherwise, I'm a student. You know how much this means. The local vending machine and coffee machine are the two sponsors of my life. I have exams coming up soon. The people that know me acknowledge the fact I'm not the most hardworking person...

I was ready to dooze off on the bench, when my phone in the back pocket started vibrating and I picked up. It was my friend Aleks. He's an asshole.

"Ало?" (Hello?)

"Пазиш ли си записките някъде? Какво щеше да има на изпита?" (Do you have your notes saved anywhere? What was going to be on the exam?)

Can't he buy just himself a notebook? They're cheap! And he still refuses.

"Да, но съм навън сега. После ще ти ги дам назаем." (Yes, but I'm outside now. I'll lend them later.)

He hung up.

Maybe I should buy more food, as half of my breakfast went for the park pigeons.

I was walking down the street, seeing the only light of my life - Lidl, when my phone rang again. This time, it was an unknown number. It looked to be foreign - it had a different dialing code.

It is said that the fed thinks more rationally than the hungry. I picked up.

"Ало?" (Hello?)

"Would you be interested in participating in a game with a monetary prize? But be fast - there are limited places left!"

"А? Какво?" (A? What?)

I still couldn't adjust that they were talking in English. I thought for a little, before replying:

"Yes, why not?"

My English isn't the best and everyone should know that.

"Great! Should we sign you up?"

"Mm, yes, sure."

"Alright! First name, Miss?"


A few seconds later, I got an answer after a little silence.

"And you're all set! We will send you the details by SMS. We look forward to seeing you!"

I finished the call. What am I getting myself into? Game with money prize? Most of these end up being scams.

I got a notification.

'If you're getting this, it means you have successfully signed up for our game! Necessary details you will be in need for:

Date: ??/??/20??
Time: No later than 2 PM
Place: **********************, New York City, NY

Details on the monetary prize will be cleared on place.

This message is automated.'

Wonderful. Just wonderful. That's, like, two days from now. I need to be on the other side of the world in two days.

I still need food.

-Time skip to two days later-

I just went through all the airport things and whatever, checked at the reception at the hotel I booked. It was too far away from the airport.

God, I've never been to New York City. This looks all massive! Ignoring the rest of the city's cons...

The hotel wasn't bad overall, not the best either. I only went in my room to dump my luggage, before taking a small backpack with my necessities and leaving.

I left the hotel, wondering for a while how I can get to that address, before I remembered I have a phone.

A man approached me. He had a blonde hair, glasses with a bold black frame and he was dressed casually. Way too casually for me.

"Hey, uhm, excuse me Miss, do you know by any chance how to get to **********************? I'm not from here, as you can see, so I have no idea. It doesn't show up on the map either."

"Oh! I'm sorry, but I'm not from this city either! I don't know! You can ask at the reception in the hotel behind me."

"It's okay, but still, thank you! Have a nice day!"

"You too."

He seemed polite.

I had time before the so-called game, but I need to be there early.

I got in a cab and, a few minutes later, arrived at the said address. I tipped the driver for not almost ending my life, unlike back there in my city sometimes.

There was no one in front of the building. I rang at the doorbell that was labeled 'FOR GAME, RING'. The door was automatically opened for me. I had to get to the third floor.

I knocked at their front door. It opened slightly.

"Uhm, hello?"

I went inside.

Suddenly, I felt pain in the back of my head and fell down on the floor. Before closing my eyes, I saw a pair of legs getting just in front of me.

please don't hesitate to criticize this. please. pleaseeeee. i need to improve. sorry for me missing for a 'few months'.
i will not be rushing myself this time, as last time i did with "Lights off" or the other stories.

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