Chapter 5: Murderous thoughts, will you let them in?

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(a little AN: there will be slight description of dead bodies in this and future chapters, so if you don't feel comfortable with this, you can skip a little through this)

???? (Murderer)'s POV

Everyone rushed to the scene of the crime I committed. I saw even more people coming from downstairs.

"A dead body has been found."

You don't want to know how much I was struggling this time to do this. And I had just things from the kitchen to use.

"William died from the Murderer. He was ripped apart by the sink. We found William's journal with him."

Next night I should do something... less-bloody. It took me a while to wash it all off!

I stayed somewhere more in the middle of the crowd, to mix with it. I tried my best to put on a look of disgust and sorrow, to not look suspicious at all.

"He was a survivor. That's what it says in his journal." - announced Jean-Claude.

Little investigator. Little. He will suffer, because of this, but when? I should ask my Assassin for advice.

I have been reached out by the Assassin, to be informed of their identity. Who is the Assassin? That's a secret. I will only refer to them as they. I need to know who my other teammate is.

We all had to leave the bathroom, to not intervene with the investigation.

I was, obviously, wearing gloves, while 'carefully' tearing him apart, limb by limb, with all the tools I brought with myself. It was very dark, but from what I saw now, I left quite the mess behind - the whole sink and cabinet, the mirror, the walls and the floor all had blood stains. My clothes too. Next time, I need to be more careful.

I tried to stuff everything inside the sink, but boy, it was small! I should have done it in the kitchen, it was bigger there. Only his head and one leg managed to fit inside together. I was in a rush to not get caught, so I tossed the rest on the cabinet, around the sink. I got to admit, I am a little grossed out too, now that I think about it. I almost cut through a bone at some point, but I had it all planned out - this was just a minor mistake. I only had to execute the plan fast and smoothly. There were some people wandering around in the middle of the night... Can't you just stay inside of your room and beg you aren't the next victim? You'll make my life easier, thanks.

I was lost in my thoughts, until someone crept next to me.

"Hey, wanna play truth or dare with us in the living room?" - asked me Qasim. It won't hurt to have some fun here.

"You startled me! Uh, sure."

I thought it would be a large group, almost everyone. No, it was barely 4 people, including me. It was just me, Qasim, Mila and Charlotte.

"I asked Jean if he wanted to come along too, by the way, but he brushed me off, saying he is busy investigating." - informed us Qasim. Of course. I hope I didn't leave anything crucial against me behind. I believe he is the detective. I will wait a few more nights, before targeting him, to make sure there isn't a pesty medic (if we have that person) or spy (the same applies) around to sabotage my mastermind plan. Very genius.

"Are you paying attention to the game?! Truth or dare!" - Charlotte asked me, as she dared to interrupt my thoughts.

"Dare obviously, do you really think I would pick truth?"

"You asked for it. I dare you to speak with a heavy accent, whichever you want, for the next two rounds." - she smirked.

You've got to be kidding me. I guess I will do an overly British one. I just joined, but I hope this ends soon.

"Al'igh." I'm trying to keep my sanity. "Mila, truf o' da'e?"

"Truth... I guess?"

"'Ave you stolen anyfing from a sto'e?" I can't really think of another question. I just want to sleep later, after the voting.

"No! Why would I?"

"You look like- Ugh, fo'get this."

The old TV next to us turned on by itself once again, with the person in the footage once again, announcing it is voting time.

"Now I won't continue to do the British accent." - I announced. Instead of doing it for two rounds, I got lucky and did only one.

I will call person, who was doing all these announcements, the host. Because why not? What else does he do? I mean... I remember someone with a similar voice threatening me over the phone to participate in this, or else... ugh, forget it. What is more important is that he is the same person. What if he is the one behind all this? I think I have seen him in a foreign news website once, in a random article about a missing man. It was in a German website, I think?

It was now my turn to vote. Who do I vote for now? I'd say whoever tries to get in my way. And Jean-Claude is a strong contended for that, alongside a few more people. I need to keep an eye out for them.

I wrote down the name of the guy, put the paper in the box and left. 

Wait. If voting time was now, does that mean I missed the discussion? Shame. I could've found out something useful for later.

Shortly after I voted (I was the last person to vote, what a coincidence), the results were announced. I was anxious. I think I look a little suspicious, enough for someone to vote for me. I have no idea who they were accusing during that discussion.

"The votes have been counted in. Mikah has the most votes."

I didn't even realise I was holding my breath the whole time. I breathed a sigh of relief that I won't die now.

The lights flickered once again, and Mikah disappeared.

Oh, and did you know that voted off people die too? Yeah, morbid knowledge.

At least their death isn't broadcasted live to us. Please don't ask how I got all this information...

Who should die tonight? Maybe Jean-Claude? No, not him, for now. Maybe in a few days. Or get him voted out? Qasim? No, he is a nice guy. I don't think he is evil, however. I have my suspicions for him and Haneen for something else. Charlotte? She doesn't look the type to fight me off. Yeah, her.

I scanned the room to see how I can orchestrate this.

Oh! That's perfect.

We're gonna be baking muffins tonight.

And the I yawned. This ruined the moment. I forgot I haven't slept, in like, almost two days. I was lucky to find a working coffee machine in one of the cabinets.

I departed to my room, with plans for tonight.

I'm more surprised that no one is questioning me. Like, standing in the middle of the hallway, smiling, while thinking about something? No, no, no, doesn't look suspicious at all, apparently. To raise even less suspicions, I need to be more sociable. After all, when I was little, my mom was constantly telling me that "the man is a social animal" and can't live alone.

mmmm muffins tonight ;D
im 2 points away from c1 on the fce (b2) cambridge exam ;(
and yet idgaf about my grammar and spelling, im throwing them in the bin
p.s. pay attention to some little details, they maaaay be important later
also no, i have no idea how you tear apart a person limb by limb, my search history doesnt involve this

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