and now? we ride!

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as he was given the keys he walked his new motorcycle out into the parking lot and drove straight to his house preparing himself for the freedom of tomorrow. (time skip) it was 6 am and he was texting his dear friend Kevin he told him "I GOT A NEW BIKE" "cool can i see it today" "SURE MEET ME AT THE WAFFLE HOUSE" "dud i think you have caps lock on" "lol yea sorry see you there soon" after he said that he left his phone on the charger. As he did his daily routine which mainly involved fluffing all of the fur on his body.

 After that he put on his clothes and grabs his keys, phone wallet and headed out he also had this attachment that stuck under the speedometer and the fuel tank thing that held his phone in place. he put his phone in place and  played a song and revved his engine and before he knew it he was off. as he was driving he felt the wind shift thru his fur almost like someone's paw. as he pulled up to a stoplight someone in there car revved there engine challenging him to a quick race as he responded by doing the same the challenger held up three 100 dollar bills. the light turned green and both of them were off after 3 minutes and a half it was a tie so they both parked there things of the waffle house parking lot and the cheetah that challenged him gave him 2 of the hundred and he walked in. 

As he did Keven jumped out from behind a nearby trash can and scared him. "haha very funny" "yea it was you should have seen your face" "you done laughing because I'm hungry" 'yea lettuce eat" as they order what they want they go out to see chucks new bike. Keven looked at the bike and said "what's funny is that a few months ago i saw a news report where someone crashed there bike and died and it looks like the same exact one rom the news report" and chuck said "so what your saying ItS hAuNtEd?" "hah no im just saying its cool to have a famous bike" as they walk back in there order is conveniently done chuck just got some coffee and two hash browns while Keven got chocolate chip waffles.

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