its nacho cheese its my cheese

10 1 1

they sit down with their nachos and some green jalapenos on the top. as he took a bite he asked "so why is my bike so popular in the biker community?" " well almost all of the people who has rid that bike crashed and died so we call it death bike." "oh wow that's scary but you said almost all?" "yea a blue j ran out of gas while riding it and she just so happen to be driving into traffic she jumped off before anything bad could happen." "the last person to die was a lioness I think? she slipped on a oil slick and she fell in the ocean" 

"that would explain that" "explain what?"" I saw her last night in my dream and she had pitch black eyes while crying motor oil" "then yea it probably was her" before we could talk anymore I felt my tail tingle when i looked back it was a little darker pink "you know anything about this?" *he would show him his tail* "when it gets to blood red it will try and kill you" "so its my own death watch?" "yea basically"

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