Tomden fluff

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(A/n: During all stars, they have a day off. James and Aiden aren't dating in this fic.)

Aidens pov:

Today, we had a day off. Gabby and Ellie were at the lake together, and Tess and Lake went on a walk together. Tom was looking for dinner, so I was alone.

Tom has been very nice to me. I like him, though, as in a crush. My mind had been flooded with thoughts, mostly Tom. I mean, he's a very hot guy, but I dont think he'll ever love me back.

I couldn't get him off my mind, and it was eating me alive.

Suddenly, I heard 2 voices, Tess and Lake were back.

"Hey Aiden, how have you been?" Lake asks. "Yeah, I've been okay." I say.

"You look stressed. What's up?" Tess asked. "I think I might like Tom." I say, straight to the point.

"Oh wow." Lake says. "Well, do you think he likes you back."

"That's the thing, I don't think he does." I say.
"How do you know? We could ask him."

"Don't do that. He might find out." I say.

"Isn't that the point?" Tess says.

"Well, yes, but.. Ugh, I don't know what to do or how to act. He just makes me feel so loved. I get all flustered around him. And.." I stop talking.
"And what?" Lake says.
"And he might not even like me back."
"It's gonna be okay, Aiden." Tess says.

Toms pov:

I'm looking for dinner, but it's been hard. I'm so distracted. I really like Aiden, more than a friend. I don't know how to tell him, and if I even should tell him.

Suddenly, I see Gabby and Ellie. "Hey Tom, you look down. What's up?" Gabby says.

"Oh, uh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"Tom, just talk to us. We're here." Ellie says.

"Fine. I think I like Aiden."


"Is it really? I mean, how do I even tell him? Does he even like me back?" I ask.

"Omg Tom, it is so obvious he likes you back. He always blushes around you, you know?" Ellie says

"Oh, I never noticed that." I say.

"Maybe you should talk to him." Gabby says.

"Yeah, maybe."

"Tom, listen. If you want a chance with him, you should talk to him about it. I mean, you guys have known each other for 16 days."

"Yeah, not that long. Maybe I should wait a bit."

"Yeah, maybe."

A few days later

Aidens pov:

It's been a week since my talk with Tess and Lake. Tom and I have known each other for 23 days now.

"Hey Tom, how have you been?" I ask.
"Uhm, I'm fine, I guess." He says.
"Same here. How about we go to the lake for a bit?" I ask him.

"Oh sure." He says.

We walk to the lake.

"The view is so beautiful." I say. "Just like you."

Tom blushes at this.

We stayed there for a while. My head is on his shoulder as we stay like that for a bit.

Toms pov:

My heart races fast. Aidens' head is on my shoulder. I'm afraid to say it, but I am truly in love with Aiden.

"Tom, we should go back. It's getting dark."

"Yeah, let's go." I grab his hand, and we stand up. Still holding hands, we walk to camp.

Ellies pov:

Gabby, Tess, and I are sitting at camp, Tom and Aiden had been gone all evening.

"They're so in love." I say.
"Obviously, how are they not dating yet?" Tess says.
"Maybe we should get them together." Gabby says.
"That's not a bad idea, but how?" Tess asks.
"Well, we could set them up." Gabby says.
"Maybe we could ask Aiden when he's gonna confess." I say

Suddenly, we hear 2 voices in the distance. Tom and Aiden are back.

"Hey guys." Aiden says.
"Where have you been all afternoon." I ask, teasing them a bit.
"We've just been at the lake, nothing else." Toms says, completely clueless.
"Let's go to bed." Aiden says.
"Sure." Tom says.
"Don't do anything in there." I say.
"Shut up, Ellie." Aiden says.

Time skip again

Tom's pov:

Today, I'm planning on asking Aiden out. It's been a month since we knew each other, but I love him very dearly. I don't know if he likes me back.

I go back to camp. I made sure we had breakfast.

"Hey guys. I found breakfast."

"Hey Tom, that's great." Aiden says.

Tess,  Gabby, and Ellie are all laughing after he said that. "Why are you guys laughing." I ask.
"Oh Tom, it's okay." Aiden says.

I blush at Aiden's response. Stupid, I know.

After breakfast, Aiden asked me to meet at the lake.

"Hey, so I have something to tell you." He says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"So, Tom, I am in love with you. I have been in love with you since day one." Aiden says.

"I- I'm in love with you too, Aiden." I say.

"Do you maybe want to be my boyfriend?" He asks me.

I nod. " A thousand times, yes, I would absolutely love to be your boyfriend, Aiden."

He kisses me. "Let's go." He grabs my hand and holds it as we walk back to camp.

"Hey guys, we're back."

"And.. Did anything happen?"

"Yes." Aiden says. "Tom and I are dating."

"Congrats, guys." Tess said.
"Tess, you better pay me 10 bucks." Ellie says.
"Fine, fine."

"Wait, you guys put a bet on us?" I ask.

"Yep." Tess said.

We share a kiss, this time in front of the rest.

"Wow homosexuals!!" Gabby says.

"Yes, now kiss that girlfriend of yours." Aiden says.

Gabby and Ellie share a kiss.

"Guys, where is my kiss?" Tess asks. Gabby places a kiss on her cheek. "Thanks, haha. I was just joking."
"I know, but just so that you aren't alone."

We all chat the rest of the day. Aiden and I share many more kisses together. I love him so much.


I love tomden tbh 😔

- Sander, 1020 words.

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