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She'd moved to Nockfell right after Christmas break, after he'd turned eighteen. She was three months older, and when he called her she, he saw her eyes light up. The light in her eyes made a halo around her face, of course not in a literal sense, but he could almost swear he saw it.

She became part of the friend group fast, another muted, but sweet presence. "Bloody Mary," they called her for her sometimes unintentionally creepy nature and the fact she liked to clip in bright, cherry red streaks to her h/c locks. Really not so funny, the ghosts considered but... She liked it.

She screams in silence.

He would catch her occasionally, when trying to fix her hair or just seeing herself a way she didn't like in something reflective, sometimes when he thought she'd heard him knock coming to visit- no, get your mind out of the gutter.

He'd catch her scream-crying, silent and staring up at the ceiling, occasionally see her punch or slap an area of her body especially offending to her at that moment. Punching her chest, stomach, raking at the hair on her face or arms was most common.

"Hey, Sanity's Fall came out with a new album, wanna listen?"

He'd always give her a moment then try again like he hadn't noticed. But, subtly soothe the offended areas after, a little pat or a hug with a hand lingering there. Letting the cheek of his mask caress her face, hoping the coolness of it would help the scratches.

A sullen riot penetrating through her mind, waiting for a sign,

To smash the silence with the brick of self-control.

"Y/N," Sal asked and looked over at her, "Talk to me."

They were laying on the roof, looking at the stars, she had been showing him constellations and telling him stories but had suddenly gone quiet. Just staring, sullen.

"I'm sorry, I'm fine, I just spaced out." She excuses, smiling lightly. "Where was I?"

He doesn't let it pass by this time, sitting up and staring at her.

Are you locked up in a world that's been planned out for you?

"Talk to me." He insists, reaching out to take her hand.

Both of their faces heat up, though only one can be seen, both might have been able to feel the others' pulse racing in their wrists if they held a bit tighter.

"Mom threw out everything."

A vague statement to most, but these two knew each other like the back of their hands now.

"What!?" Sal yelled before he could stop himself then scooted closer.

Y/N wiped at tears that hadn't fallen yet. "She found my flags, and it just..."

"Hey, hey, hey..." He took her into his arms, her head found it's resting place in the crook of his neck quickly. "You're eighteen, you can-"

She shook her head, whispering something he couldn't understand against his skin. It made him shiver a bit, but he pushed it away and rocked her side to side a little.

Are you feeling like a social tool without a use?

"Dude, let her get her stuff. This doesn't have to be this hard." Larry glowered down at Y/N's mother, Ash was not far behind with Sal and Todd.

The poor girl, shaking, was a few feet down the hall.

"You have no right-"

Todd argued. "Actually, you're holding her things hostage, which is illegal especially without eviction notice. She left because she feared for her safety. You also damaged her property, which she can bring you to court for. If you don't want anything else to be added, you should probably let us get her things."

She - Sally Face SongficWhere stories live. Discover now