17. Planned

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WARNING: Discussions of the genocide of the Jedi and the vode (in terms of planning how to prevent both). I haven't put warnings in the text because it's a big part of the fic but I've left this warning here so you can prepare yourself or make the choice to stop this reading journey here. I respect that choice whichever it is.

Take care of yourself.

"Is this where you take one night stands so you don't have to take them to Temple?"

There's food in front of her, cooked by Quin. There's caf too, made by Fox. Fox themself is nursing their third cup of caf and still looks like they'll hurt anyone who tries to start a conversation with them. At the very least, Estai knows they've all had twelve hours to rest. She hopes Fox actually got some decent sleep during that. Estai didn't get sweet dreams, in the end, but she doesn't remember any dreams at all which is better than the alternative.

Her chest is feeling much better. She managed a healing trance for a few hours between waking up and the others getting up, which certainly feels like it's helped along the healing process. Her connection to the Force is a little tender from it, but it's not actually hurting unless she tries to draw on it which is nice. It's a good day, where that's concerned.

What's less pleasant is the fact she put together last night that this is an apartment where there's been a lot of sex and she's currently sitting on a sofa where some of that sex has probably happened. Realistically speaking.

Fox chokes on their caf, having to set the mug down so they can't spill anymore. Quin's already using the Force to pass Fox some napkins to clear up the drips on their chin and hands. Fortunately, there isn't too much mess.

"Jealous?" Quin asks as he sets a plate in front of Fox and sits beside them. They're on the sofa opposite to Estai and while it's probably not intended as them taking sides, it definitely feels that way. She's studiously ignoring that though.

Estai's nose wrinkles at just the idea, she can't even help herself. "No." She's never had much of an interest in sex. She used to think her disinterest was a result of her still being so young for a member of her species, but she's starting to think maybe it's just how she is. Whether it changes in the future or not, right now, she's perfectly comfortable with the idea of never having sex. "Do you have any specific questions for me, or should I start with anything you should know about?"

"What did you mean yesterday when you said it wasn't a mind trick?" Quin asks.

He's got no idea that he's skipped right to the heart of things. Hit the nail right on its poor head. Dead centre. "There was some evidence found recently that Dooku had a hand in the creation of the vode."

"As Darth Tyrannus," Quin agrees. "I heard, but we must be missing something. Why would he provide the Republic with an army?"

Because they're not an army, they're a weapon. "Master Tholme asked me to look into it on my side of things the last time we managed a check-in." The Jedi may have been stretched too thin with the war to figure out why the war had begun, but Estai was already in place to find out more. It was just an additional guidance as to the information she should look out for. "I found something." Something worth blowing a two year undercover operation over. "You're not going to like hearing this."

"Spit it out, Estai."

Well, he can't say she didn't warn him. She glances to Fox, waiting for them to nod too before she begins. "When Dooku ordered the vode, he required a chip be put in them when they were too young to remember."

"The inhibitor chip," Fox speaks up. "It limits aggression and encourages teamwork."

Estai's stomach churns. She wishes that were all the chip is. "No, it doesn't." Estai hasn't touched the food on her plate, hasn't been able to, not when she knows what she has to say. There's nothing in her stomach right now, but she still feels ready to throw up. Estai forces herself to meet Fox's eye and prays they can see the apology there. "It's a control chip. On it are sixty-six orders that, if activated, would make it impossible for any of the vode to disobey."

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