Magic in the Air: 1-1

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Poem Series: 

Magic in the Air

by OnemoreEncore

Part One

The Earth-Child's song

When the land was cold and dark

Without any feelings of hate or joy

No trace of life or magic

There came a young boy.

With him he brought his laughter

The laughter of those ages ago

Of the rivers, lakes and oceans

Of the autumn, spring and snow.

He was but a seed upon the land

And the sun rose for the first time

No longer Night, cold or black

But the Day, warm and sublime.

His smile brought the fairies around

His laughter made the friendly Giants rise

His childhood touched the land and it shifted

His love gave the land its own life

Forests sprung up from the ground

Where only dust was before

Water seeped out of every crack,

From every rocky crag and the shore.

The horses of the ocean crashed with the tide

Neighing with joy at the young child

Who in his own world of happiness

Had made a land fill with life untiled.

The Earth-child, as he was called

Brought life to whatever he touched

The golems of the north were only rocks

Before the child's gentle nudge.

The birds and insects flew from his arms

Where he brought them from none can say

But with the fairies the flying beasts mixed

And there they stay today.

The squirrels of the forest shot up trees

And bowed to his every command

As the Earth-child walked by

All the creatures rose to stand.

As the years passed and the Child grew

There the seed of sin fell

For as anger and hate started to flow

Tigers and wolves came from his hell.

When in anger he gripped the land

And the earth would split apart

In his fury he would smite the waves

And cause all his beasts to dart

He would always return to his joyful state

And his temperament would be checked

But in his anger and fury and rage

Many great beasts he had made let.

Soon the land was filled with animals

Many kinds of beasts of old

Tigers, wolves, eagles and lions

They came from his anger like a mold.

And so the land was affected

By the Earth-child's moods and sways

But his anger and rage would not last

For any longer than one day

From the sun came another child

Different in some way

Beautiful and elegant

Now the Earth-child did not play.

He looked longingly at the feminine side;

His emotions turning into hate

Forcing himself upon her

Now men came not too late

For men were not all evil;

Only most, like the Earth-child

But with his act of lust and greed

They turned into worse than bile.

Men cut down the beasts of old

Never caring about the trees

Doing the same as the Earth-child did

Forcing themselves upon the She.

The Child looked at the land now

The other shivering in fear

And in one last burst of anger

She struck him with a tear.

As a hot blade would on flesh

The Child fell face down to the ground

And the other, taken with exhaustion

Fell to the men and their hounds.

With her magic she last made

The Fairies, Golems and the Kind Beasts

Before disappearing into the air

As the protector of the land and peace

But the spirit of the Child was ridden with vengeance

And he became the patron of Man;

The two forces, good and evil;

Fought for control of the land.

Here the Song of the Earth-child ends

And the Age of Men begins

Now all of us shall see the battle

Between the men and the men's sins.

(c)2011 OnemoreEncore (King)

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